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A team is about a lot more than just their wins and loses. The top players get the awards and etc. but let's never forget those kids on the bench.

Today I would like to celebrate those who keep the bench smooth and free of splinters - and their moments in the sun.

This is one of my favorites - we had a young man on the hs team was not a starter, in fact he barely got into the game at all during his entire 4 years of baseball. He was a great kid though and he loved being a part of the team.

It was one of those rare days when he got into the game. He comes up to bat and low and behold he hits his one and only ever home run. The entire team greats him at the plate for one of the most excited moments of the year. It was awesome and I am sure one this young man will never forget.
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So right!! These underdog stories definitely stick with us. I coached a kid two years ago in an 11-12 league. He had never played baseball before. He played a couple of innings each game as per league policy. Very nice kid, just totally uncoordinated. Never complained. Fast forward to the championship game. Very close score all the way through and in the 4th inning I have to put kid into game so he'll get at least two innings. Right field. I think there were two runners on and of course a fly ball is hit to right. The bench rises as one with a collective gasp. The kid in right runs this way, then that way, back, then in, then back again... he finally has to charge in and makes a shoestring catch then rolls about ten times head over heals and lost a shoe. But he did catch the ball. We went crazy! I think even the most cynical among us cheers for that moment - like one of the moms says - "it's the moments that take our breath away."
We went on to lose the game and the championship, but I only remember that play and the look on that boy's face. That was HIS personal championship, and he won.

"Son, when you pitch a strike, Mr. Hornsby will let you know."

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