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Yesterday, Easter Sunday, my family and I attended the Angels/Red Sox game in Anaheim. It was a trip planned a couple of months ago in conjunction with our younger son's HS baseball team playing in a tournament in Orange County.

With heavy hearts, we knew there would be reminders of Nick Adenhart inside of the stadium...that was ok...actually very "good!" As we arrived at the ballpark, we were greeted immediately with surprise, sadness and ultimately a tiny bit of comfort as we left our car in the parking lot and headed into the stadium.

Below is a tribute to Nick that I hope adds a small measure of comfort to us all. I hope it isn’t found to be in poor taste by anyone. If so, we will take it down immediately.

A Tribute to our favorite Angel, Nick Adenhart

As I left my car, with my family, I shoulda known. There were signs all around me that an “Angel” was nearby.

But somehow, I still didn’t “get it.” As I approached the entrance, it all became oh-so clear. There WAS an Angel…

Many were milling around. But it was silent, deafly silent. Heads were down, a group of people who’d never met were side-by-side, almost holding hands. My tears began to flow.

But then there were the notes. Notes from children...

Notes from adults...

And notes proclaiming what is most certainly, but too sadly, true...

…and there were tributes to all of the new “Angels!” as well...

...and even an Easter basket...

And a most memorable thought expressed in so few words that actually brought both a smile to my face and tears in my eyes at the very same moment...

And finally, after many, many tears from all around…and all through our family, it was time to go into the stadium.

I furiously checked out the gift shop to find a “Nick Adenhart” jersey or t-shirt. There were none...probably appropriately none. But I bought an Angels cap anyways.

And as I left the gift shop, I looked back behind me to see more people like us, taking in the scene....

And then, into the stadium where I found more. Yes, you’ve undoubtedly seen these on TV…but its quite something else to see them in person.

So now you see them through my eyes. And yes, it was very moving to see this...and very sad.

But I heard in church Easter morning, whether true or not(?), that the word “Easter” comes from a reference to the sun rising in the East...a new beginning. I wanna believe this is the origin (don’t tell me if I’m wrong)...because I also do truly believe that Nick has risen to a better place...and that Nick was watching that baseball game along with the rest of us!

Whats the saying? "Angels in the Outfield?" Wink

God bless Nick Adenhart, his family and his friends! And yes, the ANGELS won! Smile
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I was fine until I saw the easter basket and the notes from the children...

Very powerful.....I hope it is a comfort to all...

Game Called. Across the field of play
the dusk has come, the hour is late.
The fight is done and lost or won,
the player files out through the gate.
The tumult dies, the cheer is hushed,
the stands are bare, the park is still.
But through the night there shines the light,
home beyond the silent ill.

Game Called. Where in the golden light
the bugle rolled the reveille.
The shadows creep where night falls deep,
and taps has called the end of play.
The game is done, the score is in,
the final cheer and jeer have passed.
But in the night, beyond the fight,
the player finds his rest at last.

Game Called. Upon the field of life
the darkness gathers far and wide,
the dream is done, the score is spun
that stands forever in the guide.
Nor victory, nor yet defeat
is chalked against the players name.
But down the roll, the final scroll
shows only how he played the game.
Baseball Heaven by Robert A. Miller

A little boy that played baseball
would always practice but never rest,
because he only wanted to someday play
with the very best.

Then one morning he awoke
to go practice for a game with his team,
but when he arrived at the field
it's grass was no longer green.

It did'nt look in anyway close
to the way it was the day before,
and his team mates were now all different
and there were so many more.

When he was going to take his position
he saw so many team mates that caught his eye,
they were all that of baseball legends
that he was passing by.

He thought how was it even possible
that these greats could be there to play,
because he knew that they were all
the baseball legends that passed away.

He walked up to a player
who he thought might be Babe Ruth,
to get answers to what was happening
and he only wanted the truth.

The player thought that the easiest way
to tell this young boy at the age of eleven,
was to tell him that he over worked his heart
and came to rest in baseball heaven.

To rest is now all the boy could do
because last night he passed away,
but God granted him more than his wish
he could now play with the best everyday.

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