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This may seem like a goofy question:
08 son has received numerous letters, questionaires, camp invites from D1, D2 and D3 schools.
Just received a letter from a from a top D1 school asking for schedule and letting us know we can receive up to 3 tickets to a game during an unofficial visit.
But the one thing different about this communication vs. other communication we have received to this point was that one of the assistant coaches included his business card with a cell phone number.
2 questions:
1) Is this something the most/many of you have encountered?
2) Since we have the number, I am assuming since we have the number there shouldn't be an issue of "using" it?
While this is not my son's "dream" school, it is one he certainly has interest in.
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Obviously the more personalized the better the communication...

TR is right on it as can only gain the perspective you will need to make a good choice by the experience of seeing a number of schools.

Dream School? You'll be interested to see how the concept of "dream school" often shifts on the basis of campus...but also on the basis of coach, program interest, offer, weather, girls...

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
The best way to get a "feel" for the school is by using tickets that have been given to you. This can be accomplished by killing two birds with one stone, an unofficial visit and watching a sporting event.
If you are a strong consideration, coches will spend as much time as they can with you will on your visit.
My son’s number one choice out of HS was the University 45 minutes down the road. When my son was a recruit, he used the tickets to football, basketball and volleyball all the time. He was only able to go to a few actual baseball games because of conflicts with HS games.
Most of the time, I went with him. It was real nice to get tickets to a sold out basketball game.

I recommend that you enjoy the experience. My son did choose to attend the school that provided the tickets.
The offer of tickets distinguishes this from other approaches expressing more casual interest.

But 1,000 miles means air fare, rental car and hotel bills. So you would be justified in e-mailing or calling a few times to discuss the program with the coach first. Also, have your son check out the school's web site, including those virtual tours, and also look at the baseball site for all the info you can gather.

If you are thinking you want to make a decision in the next few months, then if this school is one you want to consider, you may need to bite the bullet and pay to visit.

If you're willing to wait until fall, you can consider requesting that they keep you in mind for an official visit in the fall. The downside to that is, they may move on to someone else at your son's position in the interim. So it really comes down to, how hot are you for this school? And what other choices are on the table for you?
jbbaseball - Getting back to your cell phone comment and questions.

I think it is a really good sign that he gave you his card/phone number. I would use it. Not overuse it, but use it. Its time for your son to start building a rapport with this coach if its a school he's interested in.

My thoughts are that coaches see 1,000 potential recruits out there. If one of them shows more interest in their school, then as a coach I'm going to be more interested in him. Its hard to wade through those 1,000 candidates and mutual interest is definitely a filter that gets your son closer to the the "good list" for that school.

I would call to set up an unofficial visit in the Spring...since there is distance, go to a practice on Thursday and a weekend of games if you can. And then I'd call shortly before that visit to reaffirm...and again after that visit to thank the coach. And if your son is really interested in the school, I'd tell the coach just that.
Last edited by justbaseball
As an 08... coaches can't call you directly... Until July 1st... but YOU can call any time... Thus, why he sent the card with his contact information. USE IT.

The tickets are just a perk... Being 1000 miles away, it really doesn't mean a lot, as the coaches knnow you won't be there every weekend but that you will be VERY serious, if you do go and use them.

Hey JustBB... You know this kid is probably tied up Mon thru Sat every week on his own BB team, from mid Feb until early May.... when can he get a thurs thru Sunday off to visit a college a 1000 miles away...
You do have a window of opportunity in early February, to go see the college teams practice and play games before your son's commitment to his high school team starts. I think in VA the rules prohibit practices or tryouts before Feb. 19 or 20, but most teams are playing games for 1-2 weeks before that. Depending on where you're heading, it can be a cold time to visit, but if the college players can handle it, your son can, too.

I think the NCAA has a rule going into effect in 2008 to prevent schools from starting games before around Feb. 20, but you can still see games this year, and even next year there will be practices you can watch.

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