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I agree that you should wait 48-72 hrs. between ab work. We usually do a MB routine (Athletic Pitcher)and crunches (several variations) on Monday and a Band routine with MB throws on Thursday. You could vary the areas of the abs to do more, we just can't get our kids in the weight room more than 3 days a week (small school) and I chose Thu instead of Wed for the extra rest in between. We try to offset our ab work with back work on Wed.
Depends what you consider ab work.

If its crunches and the like, you're mainly wasting your time.

Med ball work can be done quite often, even 6-7 days per week. 2-3 of those sessions should be ballisic and high effort, while the others should be for recovery, proper movement patterns and range of motion improvement. The med ball is eaisly the most under-used tool by athletes, especially baseball players.

True core work should be done 2-3 times a week as well.

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