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I really like hearing Dusty Rhodes from the University of North Florida, he fires me up!
He spoke on pregame and postgame meetings and some of the things he said were:
1. "If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing you do is stop digging!"
2. Go in to every game expecting to be the underdog. Millions went to see the gladiators die...Be ready to attack from the first inning on.
3. In postgame meetings be specific, use their names and note their mistakes. He says, "I'm not picking on you, I'm trying to make you better". He keeps a note pad in his back pocket to help remember mistakes/points he wants to make postgame.
And my favorite -
5. Baseball players and teams need to adopt a "Bullrider Mentality". He explained it like this; Bullriders know that in order to win, most likely they will have to draw the toughest bull AND ride him. They don't shy away from that, they live for it! Awesome!

Overall, I really enjoyed this years clinic. There seemed to be more commercialism this year than most. Seemed almost every speaker was selling something. Don Slaught (Rightview Pro)spoke on adjusting to pitch location and speed/hitting and was great and both coaches from the U of San Diego were very good. Most speakers were extrememly informative and the high school speakers were excellent.

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