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If you are being recruited for athletic scholly does the athletic department work in direct contact with the admissions to try and get as much academic scholly for you as possible dependent on your grades etc ...OR...does the student still have to apply for all the academic scholarhsips themselves.
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My son's personal experience with two schools (fyi, he ended up at neither)

1.An out-of-state SEC school seemed to work very hard (athletic dept. with academics) to get as much academic money as they could for him (ex: telephone call one day, "can you get us "such&such asap"?..we've got the assistant AD going to personally take it over to honors dept", etc.)

2. An in-state ACC school seemed hesitant to blaze any trails for us, making reference to "bright futures", etc.

I think my general answer based on this is "yes, but depends on particulars of each university." Smile

Though the costs to attend the in-state college was roughly half of out-of-state, at the time the process stopped for each of these, the net costs for him to attend each would have been about the same.
It is probably different at each college but at the school my son chose, he had already turned in his common application before an offer was made by the coach. When the coach called to make the offer they already had his grades and SAT scores from his official visit. The coach said he would talk to admissions to see what kind of an academic scholarship he would be eligible for and get back to us.

As it turned out, based on grades & SAT scores the admissions office offered him( via the coach) the Presidents scholarship (the most academic money offered). I'm not sure if my son would have been offered this if he was just a regular student without the support of the coach but he knows non-athletes at his school that are receiving the same scholly.

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