We've been to Showball before. It was a really good experience for my son. I have no issue going again in the fall.
Anyone know the etiquette around emailing coaches if the GM of the well-known travel program he plays for does this as well? His GM is very well connected and sends out recommendation emails to target schools and will send video to all colleges on the program's contact list.
Is it still okay for my son to send an email to his schools prior to snowball and other showcases? I'd imagine it is. Just don't want him to over do it.
It's great a GM or club coach is willing to call on your sons behalf. That conversation allows a lot of Q&A about playing ability as well as other strengths (coachable, leader on the field, strong field IQ etc.).
If your son is a 2021 he should NOW send his own personalized email indicating his interest, video, and GPA/ACT scores. This opens the door for communication directly between College HC and your son.
Whenever the GM or Club HC calls that will be value added and a diff type of conversation. Have your son mention that he's interested in the following schools and he's begun sending intro emails and videos out. This person needs to know which schools your son is marketing himself to so that he can compliment the effort.
It's hard to control when your club GM or HC will call.....just make sure your son keeps them in the loop, and ask that the GM or club HC keep him in the loop as to when he's made contact.
FYI: it takes effort and time to get video put together...don't wait for the Club guys. Go to the Yale baseball site and look for Tucker Frawleys personal blog...he has a section on how to put together video that fits what the college coaches are looking for. It may come up in the search button above...use the search button for suggestions on recruiting emails and videos.
Edit: You'll likely need to work with your son with editing the video and appropriate language for the email. Suggest you create a new gmail account with his name2021@gmail.com, add that gmail to your master account so that you to, can beware of incoming email. It takes the kids a little while to get accustomed to checking daily and responding within a reasonable time...a teaching moment. You can teach and guide while he's doing the work so that it's his stuff!