If you meet certain academic parameters your academic money doesn't count towards the baseball program... getting "both" worked well for us.
MadDog - you might check to see if he meets the threshold where his academic money does not count against the baseball program, if he does it shouldn't really matter to the coach what he is getting on the academic side since it doesn't count against him.
From 3fingered glove, our resident guru on the rules:
The NCAA divides money into two categories-- institutional and outside money. Any funds administered by the college are considered to be institutional, and all of it, excepting certain types of academic money, is countable. Countable means that the awards count against the 11.7 equivalency calculation. It doesn't matter if the scholarship is available to everyone, or if athletic accomplishments play no part in the award. The only way (there are some very rare exceptions) that institutional money is not countable for a freshman player is to meet the NCAA D1 thresholds to qualify as an academic award. The player needs either a 1200 (out of 1600) on the SATs (or 105 on total ACT), a 3.5 cumulative GPA, or rank in the top 10% of his high school class.