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Hi Folks! I'm new to this board. My son is an '03 graduate and is currently playing DI baseball. My son's high school coach called me last night and asked if I participated on this board. Frankly I had never even been on the site until this morning. He wanted me to look at BuddyBaseball's posts as he originally thought I was the poster. The coincidence is that what BuddyBaseball has been posting about the process is almost identical to what we went through last year. I have to say that he's right on the mark with his comments regarding the various baseball levels and what to expect. I don't know what created this fight and some of the off-topic posts, but he is accurate in his assessment. When I figure out how to use this site I'll try to post some information that may help you regarding how we got through all of this last year.

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Hey was kind of obvious....don't you think that SacFly and Buddy might be one in the same? I mean...if it's too probably is...SacFly's message just did not ring true...and that said...I don't think he should have been "outed"....but it's not my website, and it is Bob's business. I just question if other poster's who change their call names or add a name are also put to public notice, and embarrasment. I'm not making excuses for Buddy...he was wrong....he made a mistake....well....actually a few mistakes..but I don't think it's laughable...rather...kind of sad.

Also...let me say...I'm not Buddy,and although we seem to be sharing the state of Arizona...I don't know him...and Bob has my permission to verify that we do not share the same i.p. address!
LOL! Jokes on you, Bob. A little bit of technical knowledge is dangerous. Why don't you tell the folks on this board what the IP address this message is coming from? Oh, don't bother looking it up - it's - it belongs to you!!! Send me a PM and I'll tell you how I did it. I knew the minute someone came on and supported my comments I'd hear from you. It seems you talk from both sides of your mouth. TRhit's a sleaze taking money like he does, but he can do no wrong on this board? Does he pay you for his advertisements? Do what you want to "out" me. I won't go away. BTW, I still can't figure out why infieldad uses the id Heybatter - if you are going to display a multiple personality, at least have two different ones.

II have never in 62 years on this earth, been called a sleaze

This is the ultimate insult from someone who will not call and talk aboput whatever burr is under his saddle and then uses multiple ids--

I will continute to take ad space on the forum I am on so I can help Bob maintain this great website

I will no longer post on the site--I am tired of the BS of certian people who want, for whatever the reason(s) are to see me buried-- you know where I am-- you can phone, you can email and you can PM
me if you need assistance-- I am sorry it has come to this -- But I just do not have time for childrens games-- I would rather spend it with my players

Continually defending myself gets tiresome

Have a great rest of the summer and thereafter

Bob --Please take me off the registration list--since I am sleaze I do not belong there
Last edited by TRhit
Who would we rather put stock in?

a: A longtime member of these boards who has been through with his own what we go through now and does some of this stuff for a living;


b: A relative newcomer with largely unknown credentials who apparently has some kind of ax to grind against certain folks.

Buddy: I do First Amendment work for a living and welcome differing viewpoints. But your attitude and personal attacks continue to alientate people for whom many of us have at least respect.

With that in mind, clean up your act or take it elsewhere.
Let's get this straight here. Bob H. develops, designs and starts the HS Baseball Web - a great resource for parents and players going through the recruiting process. The site grows beyond his expectation and to keep it going Bob needs donors and advertisers. In comes TRhit from College Select, LLC of Connecticut. TRhit helps parents and high school players through the process with various showcases and other services. BuddyBaseball joins the board and like the many other posters enjoys providing his opinion - particularly regarding DIII schools and recruiting consultants. BuddyBaseball is especially critical of the level of schools TRhit's clients are exposed to and the issue of his using the term "signing" when such does not even exist at most of the schools his clients attend. Naturally TRhit moans, groans and whines challenging BuddyBaseball to call him. (What for, Buddy has no idea). TRhit's followers join the attack on BuddyBaseball overtly while several others compliment BuddyBaseball in PM's and even provide him with the PM's TRhit sent to his followers. Now Bob H. gets into the act. He cannot offend TRhit - so he gently drops to everyone that BuddyBaseball is using another id - no proof and he cannot substantiate it. It worked - now others have Buddy's number. But that's okay, he isn't going away. The ball's in your court, Bob H. Boot me off, but I'll be back - maybe I'll even be back with three id's.
There is only one sleaze here and it is not Mr Rizzi...
The minute I read the post I knew we were dealing with Buddys alter ego..To bad had some validity to some of your posts but your arrogance and verbal onslaughts diminished your just had to be right
This has happened before and it will happen again...we just need to be more vigilant when reading certain posts that set out on the defensive and attack people we know and trust...
Mr Rizzi(notice I say Mr and that is due to the fact I respect him and was raised well by parents to always address people correctly)...I implore you to reconsider your decision to leave these boards...your wealth of knowledge has been of the utmost value to many a boy and his family...if you are not present and accounted for some boy may miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime and what a shame that would be...
Buddy I can only say...thank goodness we are not sitting beside each other at a game...I would have a lot more to say but am too much of a lady to put it here...I was raised better
It is true that this site has grown well past Bobs original expectations.

It is true that adertising money helps defray the cost of maintaining this site.

However, I recall (and I have been around many years now) that TRHit was posting and participating on this site LONG before either of these came true.

I don't know what your beef is - but there are much more effectual ways to grind your ax.
You took the words right out of my mouth! chat I also have to refrain myself at this moment

I can only say that if you leave you will be giving in to the Buddy's of the world who visit this site. There is a fine line here and he crossed it several times over the past few days, regardless of what he says, it doesn't matter, to lots of us, his credibility went right out the door when he posted under another name. By the way, there is nothing wrong if someone wants to do that, but take it for what it is worth for those who do, if you bring negative attention to yourself we pick up on it right away. You can post under another name tell us you are from another state (even from someone's bunker), most of us pick up on it right away, your bad attitude sticks out like a sore thumb.
Whatever the case, you have given good advice to many, you have stood up for many when you knew they were getting ragged on. You have given me advice when I called upon you a while back for some help, what you do for a living is your business and I was not going to sit around and let someone rip you apart because they didn't like what you do.
I have done my share of ruffling feathers, many of us have, but I think I have helped more than I have p****d off, same goes for you.
Last edited by TPM
Hey Glove Man - I hope you do better with the glove than with your spelling. Axe is a derivative of the Germanic verb agwesi and when translated to Middle English it is spelled a-x-e. The Webster's Dictionary for Elementary School Students unfortunately doesn't go into the appropriate detail. And by the way, "es" is appended to tomato and potato as a stem when referring to the nouns in a plural context. Nice try though.
I restarted the political thread after Bob closed it down by asking the reason for closing it. I have been on this board for several years and am not seeking a new identity. I appreciate Bob's efforts and will abide by his rules and decisions but I will ask for reasoning when I may disagree with his decision. I thank Bob for his time, hardwork and patience. He is a great person.
Buddy, are you rShard/teacherman?

Thanks for the History of Modern English Words, lesson, is that in your new book?


13 entries found for ax.
ax or axe ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ks)
n. pl. ax·es (ksz)
A tool with a bladed, usually heavy head mounted crosswise on a handle, used for felling trees or chopping wood.
Any of various bladed, hand-held implements used as a cutting tool or weapon.
Informal. A sudden termination of employment: My colleague got the ax yesterday.
Slang. A musical instrument, especially a guitar.

tr.v. axed, ax·ing, ax·es
To chop or fell with or as if with an ax: axed down the saplings; axed out a foothold in the ice.
Informal. To remove ruthlessly or suddenly: a social program that was axed to effectuate budget cuts.

ax to grind
A selfish or ulterior aim: He claimed to be disinterested, but I knew he had an ax to grind.

[Middle English, from Old English æx.]

[Download or Buy Now]
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Last edited by Glove Man
REGARDLESS of how you spell it (and it IS and always has been spelled BOTH ways, Mr. Know-it-All), it is time for the AX and AXE to fall on BuddyBaseball or whomever you really are. Mad I defer to the Honorable Mr. Howdeshell.


Tom Rizzi, you may NOT allow one bad apple to spoil the basketful of GOOD you have brought to this site for YEARS!! We won't let you!

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