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Was wanting some opinions on how people view Acme summer ball. The hs varsity coach just told all his players that if they want to play next year for the school they have to play summerball with the school acme team. With the way recruiting is done now mostly in the summer, would playing on the acme team playing just other acme teams hurt a kids chances of being seen, compared to a summerteam that travels to tournaments and such.
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What is ACME? Are you meaning the generic moniker like "ACME Telephone company" or that an acronym for something else? Anyway, I know that you are referring to school ball in the summer.

Most of the kids good enough to play Summer/Travel ball at our on the HS team during the week, and play travel ball tournaments on the weekend. When they have to miss HS team for travel ball, they let the coach know in advance.

You may want to circulate these two articles to the HS coaches...[/URL]

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