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Originally posted by Truman:
I feel such an example goes go show that velocity doesn't really matter, but effective pitching for any pitcher has to do with having several pitches and being able to locate them.

The example goes to show that some VERY INTELLIGENT and crafty control pitchers can be just as effective as higher velocity pitchers.

But before you ever say something like "velocity doesn't really matter", maybe spend some time thinking about the obvious:

T = D / V,

Where D is fixed at 60' 6".
Last edited by wraggArm
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Zito was 93 mph as a freshman in college.

I didn't realize he threw that hard because I've never seen him get that high on the gun.

I've seen Zito work out in person several times now over the last few years. Though he has a reputation as a flake(i.e. Planet Zito)he is more with it than he gets credit for.
He also works very hard on his game even in the winter, and when others leave he is still doing fitness and pitching drills. There is a lot to like about him as he is humble and checks his pride at the door.

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