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Hi All,

13 y.o. son is playing travel.... with 54' pitching distance and also high school concurrently with 60' pitching.

Can hitting on two different sized fields mess with your timing?

He swings a drop 10 trampoline in the travel and a drop 3 for high school. I would prefer he only swing the drop 3. He used it all winter, should be ok with it from 54.... His comment is that since the pitcher is closer he needs to use the trampoline because he has less time.

To me, the more variables you introduce, the less likely you are to have a repeatable swing. But what do I know, I am just the Mom. Smile

Anyone have a similar situation? Any suggestions?
Thanks for all your help!
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As a parent, I would be concerned if he struggles AND it frustrates him. That is the absolute evil. If he's frustrated over a lack of success, it will effect him at both distances. You can count on it.

Now, my coach cap - I've seen it work both ways. Some kids can adjust, some can't. It really is more difficult to adjust to slower/off-speed/breaking stuff. Most kids talented enough to play HS and Travel ball, at a high level can handle a good FB at either distance. It's really up to him. But you voice a very valid concern, IMO.

I agree with you, -3 at both distances. Get rid of the -10, give it away, give it to a younger sibling, garage sale whatever.
If the player can hit he can adjust by moving "up or back" in the batters box.

Question: if a hitter wants a longer "look" at the ball should he move up, move back, crowd the plate or back off the plate?

If he plays on a larger field, then a smaller field do not provide any excuses, only observe his "body" language and his position in the batter's box.

Personally; if the ball is too slow, then move up
and "CHOKE"the bat.

When our 13-14 year olds will play 10 games in Australia and they will adjust!!!!!

Bob Williams

My son pitched from 54 and 60 last season. 54 for travel and 60 for high school, concurrently since Iowa plays summer hs ball.

It didn't seem to bother him. I thought it would effect the curve, but, it didn't seem to. What son seemed to notice was different was the way the strike zone was called between league and high school. Much tighter in HS.

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