First time watching an adult league game last night - 18 and up.
Young guy had pulled his hamstring but continued to play. He was on deck and proceeded to go to the other team's on deck area. Ump told him he had to go back to the other side. He said because of his hammy he switched over. Ump told him he had to move back over. He kept arguing and ump said if you don't go, you're out of here. Guy says you don't have to throw me out, I'm leaving. Ump says you're out of here. Guy heads back to his dugout and then stops and comes back to home plate. Then the fun begins.
He proceeds to kick dirt all over home plate while continuing to argue with home plate. Finally, his teammates get him part of the way back, but he keeps going back to the ump. One of his teammates then says, we're done. Ump calls the game. Teammate apologizes to the Home Plate and the opposing team.
Then the ejected player starts screaming at his teammate for forfeiting the game.He leaves the field, takes a bat, and starts pummeling a trash can. Took a few good cuts on the Rubbermaid 55 gallon container but doesn't do any real damage.
Opposing player tells him to chill out, and then he jumps up on a power box and tries to get into a fight with that guy, screaming and cursing and telling the guy to come over and go at it. Reminded me of the old days when I used to play slowpitch.