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I've been a member of HSBASEBALLWEB for about a year now, lurking far more than posting, and learning a lot about the ins and outs of the recruiting game, and reading about the experiences of all of the fine coaches that post in this sub-forum. By way of introduction, I am the recently promoted head baseball coach at a small (~100 enrollment) private high school in the Denver suburbs. I've assisted at the high school for the previous two years, preceeded by several years of coaching at the small-field level. I've got gray hair, a bad middle-age spread, and quite a bit of mileage on these bones.

Some challenges that our program faces that I haven't seen much from other contributors here include
    Having to practice on half of a football field, while the girls s****r team practices on the other half.

    Worrying more about getting enough kids out for the team so that we can play a full varsity schedule and an abbreviated JV schedule.

    Not having to worry about making cuts (see #2 above).

    Making practices work when we have skill levels ranging from non-athletic beginners to highly athletic potential small-college prospects.

    Establishing pitching depth by grabbing semi-coordinated kids, and teaching them how to stand on the mound and try throw it to the catcher's mitt.

    Begging and cajoling the best athletes in the school to come out for the team, telling them that "I can teach a great athlete how to play baseball".

    Having those athletes tell me "...but Coach, I haven't played ball since I was in 6th grade!".

    Getting those kids out, and watching them start to have some success.

    Buying screens, tees, hats, bats, and more out of my own pocket, since "baseball is a money-losing sport".

    Learning about all of the administrative forms and procedures that the school requires.

But, I wouldn't trade this for anything right now. I've got a great group of kids out, they are really excited about the game, and I have high hopes for the season. Now, if we can just melt off the 4" of snow we got yesterday so that we can get a game in!

I would love to hear from others about their experiences in small school baseball!

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Here is my advice. I came to a much bigger school than that and basically had a field and two buckets of baseballs. I would highly suggest running a fund raiser to get money for the basics you need, tees, balls, etc if your athletic budget doesn't cover those things.

As far as the facility space goes, I feel your pain. We are sharing one gym with three levels of baseball, three levels of softball and until this week, our varsity basketball team. We had practices running for 6 am until school and from the end of school to 9 at night. Every time I get frustrated about facilities, I remember that John Wooden won two national championships at UCLA while practicing on a half of a basketball court while wrestling practiced on the other half and cheerleading practiced along side them.
Last edited by BCRockets
I would love to hear from others about their experiences in small school baseball!

First off congratulations. I have no HS or school ball experience, but did my time in the youth programs, with no fields, corners of s****r fields, football fields, and the like and like you say, course went nearly broke getting the essentials.

Do what you can, be creative and especially with your lack of experienced players, keep at em. Nothing better than seeing those inexperienced playes finally "get it", what ever "it" is.

I once had a player, we used to kidd him; why do you even own a glove? You can't use it any way. But I'll tell ya what, he was a 15 yr old wrestler, with no BB back ground, no fear, one of the best third sackers I ever had, he'd knock anything down. Could throw, could hit now and then, and he could move. We learned his strengths and went with em. The successes he was able to realize, just couldn't be beat. Good for you, hang in there, teach em baseball, and good things happen.

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