My son is 14 and has always played in the local rec league. Over the years he has had some moments of good play, but to be honest he wasn't one of the better players. The low point of rec baseball was when he was 11 and the coach of the opposing team yelling to their pitcher that my son "had no bat" and to just groove pitches down the middle of the plate because he wasn't going to swing. At that point I figured we would just play rec ball until he got too old and hang it up.
The a miracle happened. Two years ago he had a great coach who made some adjustments to his swing and he started hitting. This spring, instead of being "no bat", he hit .560 with a bunch of doubles and triples, and had only one game all season where he didn't get a hit. During the season I had other parents saying I should get him on a travel team, but to be honest, this is something I know nothing about.
Now I'm not sure what to do next to help him get to the next level, which is make the high school team and eventually play at college. I plan on getting him some professional hitting instruction as well as some instruction from college players (college players are easy to find since I'm a college Prof). Rec. ball is over, so we need to find him a 15U team to play on next summer. I see a lot of discussion of "elite" and "select" teams. Are there travel teams for kids who are decent ball players but not superstars? I know some kids have been playing travel baseball, 70-80 games a season, for years. Have we gotten to the party too late?
I apologize for the long post. If you got this far I appreciate it and any advice you might have.
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