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yes very expensive. Son was invited last season so I sought out advice from D1 coach who was following son and he said that it was to expensive and that their wouldn't be the exposure your hoping for. I suggest you contact Perfect Game ASAP and see if your son can attend the underclassman showcase Jan 5-7 2008 it will be alot less money and your son will be scouted and evaluated by a top notch organization.
Thanks for the input. If I am correct the event is baseball training with a tournament of players that were invited. I was told there would be 20 teams of 14. Are we sure there will not be any college coaches in attendance? Would this event lead to other possible baseballfactory invites? Sounds like money better spent at showcases.
If your son is an '09 (which you said in a previous post)and is ready, you might consider a "bigger" underclass event...PG just had a National Underclass in AZ, but I am sure that they'll have something in So. Calif (you can check their schedule for '08 on their site).

As an '09, the time is now for getting on the radar, whatever events, teams, or whatever you can do to increase his exposure to schools that you/he are interested in...the better off you will be. If you already have a list of schools...why not try to attend their camps or better yet, do an un-official visit?

Good luck! Keep us posted on how you are making out.

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