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Thanks for the good wishes.

Q had his AFLAC tour stop event last night and it really hit me. Very proud dad indeed!

I have to admit I got a kick out of seeing my 17 year old kid signing an autograph for someone! He has a very long road to go but it was fun to see him enjoy the moment.

Congratulations to Midlo Dad and Infidel_08 (and sons). You guys must be beaming as well. Hope to meet you in San Diego!
Last edited by jerseydad
What a great honor - congrats to all three of you!

And another great thing is not one player was selected from Oregon or Washington, ensuring several more years of astonishing under the radar screen amazing underdog college world series runs by OSU, who feeds off of all that ignored talent in the Pacific Northwest.

Think anybody will ever catch on? Hope not.

Keep it quiet... shhh ...

Nothing to see here, folks, keep moving. No talent in these parts, move along....
Rob, we saw them up close in Charlottesville about a month ago .... Maybe some of our scouts saw them then?

Anyway, thanks to all for the kudos. I'll pass them along to Midlo Son.

It's been a weird year. Son started off on fire, then got his personal season bogged down with some shoulder tendonitis. He battled back from it, or so we thought, and then it barked back again. Our HS team won the AAA state championship and finished in Baseball America's top 10, which was great, though we have to admit secretly we wished Son could've been out there doing what he does best to help. (Not bad when your high school team is deep enough to lose an AFLAC pitcher and still win it all, eh? It was a fun team to watch.)

At this point we've had Son examined by and consulting with just about everyone, erring to the side of caution. The consensus is that he's OK and we don't have to worry, but he would profit from taking the summer off to get rid of this stuff, then start working back SLOWLY on a program designed to prevent recurrence.

So we're going to AFLAC to see him smile and wave, and to take photos, but no pitching. Oh well, maybe I can get my picture taken with Howie Long? (His son Kyle wowed 'em at PG National and got a late bid to AFLAC.)

The good news is, we know that infidel_08's son went through pretty much the exact same thing in 2006, and we know that jerseydad's son had a lesser bout with the same issue, and we know that Michael Main had it a year ago ... Seems to be going around. But all were able to put it behind them and be 100% eventually, so we know we will, too. The one thing I will say about Son is, he never has to be told to do his workouts. So we'll just lay low for a while and see you guys in the fall (maybe) and in the spring (definitely), when James River goes for the REPEAT!
Kremer - while I know nothing about most of these boys and it is very exciting for them, it looks like you almost have to be from FL, CA, TX or GA. Clearly location helps. For a lot of us it costs thousands of dollars to get to just one of the big showcases that are largely held in these states. My son wouldn't qualify, even if seen, but I am sure that like Oregan, many other states have lots of unnoticed talent. Best of luck to all those boys, too, that just haven't been seen yet. The way things are going we may see those Oregon boys in the college world series!
Hit, actually yes, the past two months went very well and he is 100% now. But we're planning a "soft" fall schedule, with the exception of going to Jupiter at the end of October. There's just no need, and he's carrying 6 AP courses this fall so we need to stay home and let him do his homework!

As for Oregon kids, I'm not that familiar with the west coast circuit, but my understanding is that there are tourneys comparable to the East Cobb, Ft. Myers and Jupiter tourneys that PG runs out there. And since a lot of these AFLAC guys trace back to the Youth National Team process that goes through the Junior Olympics, that has a western event as well as an eastern one. It's no harder to travel down the west coast from Oregon than down the east coast from VA, is it?

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