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OK I gotcha.


Seriously now that my son finished up his college baseball career I was wondering what he would be doing with all of his newly liberated spare time. It did not take him long to re-discover his guitar(s) which he took back with him to Austin, he has picked up fishing (see below) and has been out on most weekends checking out the area. His grandfather sent him a tennis racket and he continues to hit the gym. He has so many other things going (besides his research at UT) that he has no time for baseball. 


I know there are a number of folks here who have watched their sons transition away from the daily grind of the game, but it is nice to see it happen in real time. For those here who's son's careers may be wrapping up at any stage, (HS, College, Pros) the game has given them such a foundation that they will likely not miss a step and move on to the next stage of their life. 






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After college and softball my daughter spent the summer at the Jersey Shore. Softball had consumed a lot of her life since age eleven. In the fall she got a job in DC with one of the top law firms in the country. Next fall she will be in her third year of law school. What I've noticed is the tenacity she developed in sports (also played volleyball and basketball) has carried over to work and school.  Being the best or at least the best she can be is important to her. Right now she's tied at #1 for first in her class at a top ten law school. She doesn't have much free time. She's also married. Her active time is used for water skiing, jet skiing and swimming when she's at the shore. At home she does crossfit for an hour every day.

Yup, I told you, there is life after baseball.


In all honesty, I haven't seen my son as happy as he has been since January when he came home from playing.  He has taken on some new roles, a serious girlfriend, become a gym rat, bigtime not having to worry about hurting something then not being able to pitch and heading off to finish school in August.  He actually is ready to apply for his $$ from milb pension fund.


Best of luck to Nick, you know I sincerely mean that, we have shared so much about our sons and baseball, dont let it end here!!!!

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