I think the best thing a young man can do is to go to one of the coaches and introduce yourself again. Thank them for putting on the camp or showcase, and let them know.....face to face your interest in attending their school and playing for their team.
Most of the coaches/recruiters I have spoken with over the years make no secret that they like to recruit young men that they know are interested in their program. If you express interest to the coach, it does 2 things:
1) It demonstrates to them you indeed have real interest in their program. Many,many schools do indeed recruit players that come to their camps.
2) It demonstrates to them your level of maturity, as most young men (as well as many adults) have a difficult time just walking up and starting a conversation with anyone.
Don't be afraid to ask if they will be recruiting an athlete that plays your position the following year. If they are, stress to them again that you would be interested in their program. If they are not,(which could be the case) it will save you some heartaches knowing up front that the team is not looking for someone in your position and you can explore other options early.
While the meek might inherit the earth, It is my opinion that the forward movers stand a better chance of enjoying many, many more opportunities. If you want something, you have to ask for it.
Good Luck.