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Spent the past weekend moving into our new house in a small town about 20 minutes from where we used to live. Absolutely love it, but am desparately trying to find a curtain for my bathroom. Searching for something 28"W x 36"L, preferably in navy. Found a GREAT shower curtain - it looks like linen and is nice enough that, if company were to drop in unexpectedly, I could pull it down and throw it on the kitchen table (not that I would, but its nice to know that I could Wink). Gotta love stuff that can do double duty. Still, I've been to Walmart, Target, JC Penney, Macy's, Bed, Bath and Beyond, and Linens and Things and have been unable to find a 28 x 36 curtain suitable for the bathroom. Granted, we're sitting on a couple of acres of land surrounded by trees, so nobody can see in but the deer - but why traumatize the wildlife if you don't have to? Have you ever seen a frightened deer? I really don't want to be responsible for what could happen to the neighborhood if one were to peak in the window while I was showering - ya know?

Actually had a few minutes to switch stuff from my usual purse into a summer purse (men will never understand that) and found where my guys put all of the keys from the key rack. I have spare keys for my car, my husband's car, my son's car, a couple of master locks, and even the spare key to a car we no longer own. Seriously considering turning them into jewelry. What do you think?
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Everything sounds like so much fun ... have you checked out 'Anna's Linens'? I have shopped their store locally and they have online items as well. Here is a simple 'kitchen' curtain style that has various lengths (the width/fullness probably won't be a problem):
Kitchen tiers

There are also some nice tab tops which you would have to shorten:
Tab tops

Personally I like the shower curtain idea and have actually used it in several rooms in our house over the years, especially on some of our odd sized windows. They can be used to make the window look bigger as well. (I always put a second shower curtain behind the main one so that the good one doesn't fade out from the sun. It works really well and adds a little more privacy (I have scared many a coyote lingering in our yard when those curtains weren't heavy enough to hide the 'sight' ...)

By the way ... I know our girlfriends on this site understand the purse changing concept ... some of us don't have to have a season to trigger it either. I was always taught that my purse and shoes should match (or at least not conflict with each other) so I cannot carry a brown purse with black shoes. Over the years, I have become a bit more relaxed but still have some limitations.
I stumbled in here.

Oh, Beez... please! We moms have a secret window provided by Julie that allows us to see whenever you guys peek in here.... your name comes up all the time!

KMom - Assuming your window isn't over the tub, but along a wall? Is it one of the "block" style opaque windows or a regular old window?
Beeeeeeezer,....grab a muffin before ya go! Matter of fact,..take a few back for da boyzzzzzzzz!!

( Famous Mom tip #38766:
Never drink on an empty stomach! ) Wink

And about that purse thing ,....I used to be relentless about the matchy watchy shoe and purse thing. Any professional corporate fashionista diva knows they really should match for all intened purposes,..that is by all truth, the fashion rule,...but but but,....
Now with travel baseball season in full swing, I'm just happy if I get two of the same matching shoes on & my head isnt screwed on sideways!! ha!

( It has been brought to my attention that both flip flops must match. One is forbidden to wear a generic Old Navy purple flip flop with an Old Navy green flip flop- according to my 13 year old daughter. Ok, ok, I didnt look carefully when scrambling under the seat to find appropriate attire for the tootsies! Sorry 13 year old Missy the mortified daughter of mine! )

But ask me, pllllease just go ahead,..ask me,... if I have plenty of bandaides, wipies, & instant ice packs rolling all over my car complete with ( dumped-by-accident ) sunflower seeds, which act as car carpet accesories???? Big Grin
Fellow mom applause if you will:
I seem to have that aspect of my life completely under control, thank you very much!!

( I keep telling myself it's the little things that count, right? )

I'll spare you all my moving stories ( military gal, the numbers are high ) ,.....but good luck KMomNH,....its always fun to fluff up a new nest and make it yours!

Decorating hint #4398:
Good cookin', lots of love,
and walah,'ve got an instant " home ".
Last edited by shortstopmom
Ok, this is one of my most EMBARRASSING stories, but as long as you are talkin' about purses, I'll tell you--but ONLY if you PROMISE TO NEVER MENTION IT AGAIN. Promise?????

Ok, here goes.

You all know (or I guess, maybe not) that I live in a Chicago suburb. The weather isn't always how do you say pleasant in the spring, you know, baseball season. But in May, during the high school play-offs, it's generally relatively "nice". Meaning, not typically below 50 degrees.

Three years ago, the temps were VERY WARM, upper 80's, maybe even 90. So, yes, I "changed" purses, but not for the color. By the way, my summer purses almost NEVER match my summer purses are lime green and vivid periwinkle. I love them, and I love color. I don't ever do brown. Nothing ever brown, only black in winter. But I digress.

Ok, so I changed my black leather purse for my lime green SAK--did I mention that it was NEON lime green? But as I went out the door, I felt a really strong east wind (coming from Lake Michigan, we don't live too far from it) and the wind was FRIGID. So I quick went back into the house and grabbed my winter jacket--yikes, it was a BROWN suede one, with "fur". And then I drove to the play-off game, parked the car, paid the admission fee, and then walked in. There were LOTS of people there--it was a regional game, no, my son's goofy high school was not playing. They were eliminated by that point. Anyway, long about the 5th inning, after I talked to LOTS of people and was seen by lots of others, I felt a horrible wave of "oh no"!!!

I recognized that my summer neon lime green SAK purse was resting on my brown suede jacket with the fur on it.

I was a Glamour DON'T. Eek Eek Eek Eek Eek Eek
Last edited by play baseball
Neon lime green and brown suede???

Sorry, but that's too funny!

Looks like I may have to find time to break out the sewing machine and make curtains for the bathroom. Window is not over the tub, but does have a really cute built in shelf in front of it. Beginning to think plantation shutters and a valance might be the way to go.

But since we're talking purses...
What's the worst thing one of your guys has asked you to carry for them? I'm undecided on this one - it was either the handful of earthworms or the dirty cup (not the drinking variety).
I just popped back in to grab the tray of muffins left on the counter for me and Woodrow when I saw this:

Originally posted by play baseball:
I recognized that my summer neon lime green SAK purse was resting on my brown suede jacket with the fur on it.

Confused I don't get it.

Well, back to the guys!

PS - Just for the record, any peeking I've done around in here was NOT through the window KmomNH mentioned....honest!!!
my lime green SAK--

Annette, I have that exact same purse! It's one of my favorites!! Smile

KMom - I use blinds and a valance in my bathroom window... the same as on the window in my bedroom. My kid's bathroom has an octagon window that is up high (2nd story), so I can leave it uncovered. I think a valance is an easy and inexpensive way to dress up many window coverings. However, plantation shutters are great!! Don't have any, but love that look!!
quote: the guys know when WE'RE peeking?

Ummmm,....weeeell,..some of us ( cough-cough ) just kinda barge in. No need to peek,...but of course that in and of itself has its own reprocusssions. Ya just never know what you're going to find over there.
( I highly recommend being armed with two squirt bottles of Fabreez, Lysol on your hip holster, a gallon of bleach in your left hand, and be sure to wear wading boots before entering. Big Grin )

If you want to know what that strange aroma is that you smell over there, just think " rugby locker room". Wink

God love em'!!

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