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For those that know me ,I don't think I need to post this but for all the newbies I think I should

In another thread a poster referred to me as having an agenda---WELL I DO-- and it is a very simple agenda -- to see kids succeed and this is how it is

Tonight my wife and I will be attending a NECBL Summer League game where 6 players who we have been associated with will be playing and one will be one of the two starting pitchers--three played on our travel team and the other three played in our showcases or showcase tournaments-- were we the sole source of their success ?-- NOT AT ALL-- were we in some small way part of their getting where they are-- YES !!!

So tonight my wife and I will see the fruits of our endeavors and at the same time enjoy some great baseball while munching on ballpark hot dogs and cheering for both teams.

In addition I think we will get to say hello to a number of the parents that we have not seen for a few years--- I know at least two families who have called and said they will be there and will I be attending----AGENDA___DUH !!!!!!!!!!!

Didnt mean to bore anyone but I had to say it !!!!!
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I don’t know TR personally and from time-to-time take issue with what he says and how he says it. When I do I may confront him directly on it as I did on another recent post.


Having said that, I also do not believe that you have any hidden agendas. From what I understand you make no secret that you operate a baseball recruiting business. From what I’m guessing, you do so ethically and with the player’s best intentions at mind. You serve a useful purpose, as do some other reputable organizations. I also have no doubt that you and your family and organization do a lot of pro bono work that goes unnoticed but certainly not unappreciated by the families you helped.
We all have an agenda. TRs agenda is up front and in the clear all the time. He is out to give young men an opportunity in baseball period. When I first came to this site a couple of years ago I just watched and read quietly for a while. It did not take me long to see from TRs posts and his answers to others questions what type of person he was. When I got the opportunity to talk to him personally on the phone a couple of times I felt like I had known him my whole life. He is the kind of guy I would love for my son to play for and have a chance to learn from and not just baseball. Does he have an agenda? YES. And a very good one.

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