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This may be obvious, but he should carry on his mitt. My son quite literally keeps it in his hand.

My son's last bag took a beating because he overloaded it with bats he bought at the event. So the good deal on bats cost us a new bag, go figure. Had to duct tape it to get back.

We were not charged extra for the bag, but his is not wheeled, which makes it a bit lighter. I believe he may have put some bubble wrap in side the bag to keep things from smashing up against each other.
Just a thought...he could put all catchers equipment/batting helmet, cleats, and bat into a regular-sized bag, and fit his mitt and any other gloves or batting gloves in his backpack carry-on if room?

I travelled across the country with gear last summer (but I'm not a catcher). I took my gloves and batting gloves onboard in a backpack and that freed my bag up for other items on the return trip.

Just a thought!
Use Fedex ground service. That is how my golf clubs travel. They are always at the hotel waiting for me.

Originally posted by MidAtlanticDad:
Any tips for traveling by air with baseball equipment? 2015 has a huge catcher’s bag. With all the handles, zippers, wheels, etc. it doesn’t seem very well suited for checked baggage. Not to mention the extra charges for being oversized.

Maximize the carryon bags, thin the unescessary stuff out of the bags and use a good canvas bag with straps for the checked gear and clothing. Too much electronic stuff limits what you can do with carryon bags.

Its ok to do laundry on the road rather then carry a weeks worth of clothes!

My son also recomends a hard shell hat carrier if your team has more then one hat.
Originally posted by djgboy:
Use Fedex ground service. That is how my golf clubs travel. They are always at the hotel waiting for me.

Originally posted by MidAtlanticDad:
Any tips for traveling by air with baseball equipment? 2015 has a huge catcher’s bag. With all the handles, zippers, wheels, etc. it doesn’t seem very well suited for checked baggage. Not to mention the extra charges for being oversized.


Given what airlines charge for extra bags it maybe cheaper to use UPS or FedEx.

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