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A few weeks ago Bum, Jr. was assigned to the Anchorage Glacier Pilots of the Alaskan Baseball League (ABL) for 2009. I would be interested in hearing from anyone about the ABL. Thanks!

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I know that FBM's son played in Alaska and loved it. My son had a friend from here who enjoyed it also. Lots of nature and lots of fishing. Usually the players from the west coast head to Alaska due to less travel.

I have to be honest, depending on the work load, I am not in favor of college pitchers playing during their first summer. But that is just my opinion. Smile
For many freshman, the summer after their 1st season is the first chance they'll get to compete on a regular basis. They're often very hungry, and more than ready for a wonderful opportunity to get on the bump with a clean slate and just let it rip. But for kids that have just completed a first season with lots of innings, then I can completely understand what TPM is saying. It's a great time to back it off and attend summer classes.
Not sure where you got the blanket answer from my post 8.
My son, as a RS Frosh, was one of the kids who didn't get a chance to compete in the Spring. He needed that summer in Chillicothe, and it turned out great. TPM's son got plenty of action his first year and felt it was time to ease up when the season was over. Nothing wrong there.
You know how much of a grind the college season can be. If a kid wants to take a summer and not have to prove himself at the expense of his arm, then I certainly have no problem with that.
My kid got to travel to Havana this year with his summer team, but he had to shut it down with a sore arm after that and ended up missing the National Championship experience. He's OK with that, because he'll get to pitch again this year.
Life experiences are available each and everyday, and each and every place you go you get a chance to live something new and different. But ballplayers these days are under so much pressure to perform year round, they actually miss out on more life experiences than we give them credit for.
Hey Bum-
Congrats on Rusty getting to go up to Alaska.
A couple of guys on my sons team went up there this summer. Good reports, no complaints. They were with MatSu Miners. Long days, really long days - it never gets dark, Ha! I'll ask around and see if I can get some additional info.
Anyway, says a lot about Rusty going up there, premier baseball.
A big adventure! As Spizzle has said, it is as much about personal growth and enrichment of their lives as it is about baseball. They learn a lot about themselves, how it might be if they make it to MiLB. How to exist day to day, handle problems, (and there will be some), etc.
When my son returned from summer ball, he had not one piece of clothing left with his college name on it. He met guys from all over the US and they all traded their college stuff.
Just the beginning of new opportunities for Rusty....enjoy!

iheartbb, JT, 20dad and others.. thank you! I have been googling everything about Alaska and am thinking about a trip up there and traveling the road from Anchorage to Fairbanks. I'm particularly enthused about the great crowds they seem to draw for their games. I had no idea baseball was so big in Alaska! Have learned Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire and Randy Johnson are alumni from that team. Pretty cool.. literally!
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My son has been lucky enough to play in the Cape Cod league, Alaska and CA leagues. He actually enjoyed the Alaskan league the most. Very little to do where he lived so he concentrated more on ball and working out. Turned out to be the best summer of his life.

He did get the opportunity with his host family to go deep sea fishing. Also, all three leagues he played he has made some great friends from all over the country. Many like him have gone on to the major league baseball and stays in touch.
Shamrock01.. Welcome to HSBBW! And njbb.. now that I've done some research I think it is absolutely a great fit for my son. The competition, the adventure.. even the isolation. Shamrock, how did your son like the bus rides from Anchorage to Fairbanks? Did he get a chance to see Denali National Park?
They were tough but you get use to them. It helped him prepare for the minor leagues. With the Astro's he has had 14 hour bus trip as well.

He has enjoyed everywhere he played during the summers. he has also made some many great friends from all over the country. Now many of them are playing pro ball and he is running into them and keeping in touch.

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