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Ramrod, I know this "horse" has been beaten pretty hard but I'm curious if you've
read this whole thread. Lots of posters have played this game at the highest level as well and come to a totally different conclusion from you. Also, virtually every
major league player I have seen interviewed (at least 6) have all agreed that the umpire made an out call. Have not seen ONE say he was just calling a strike.

He also called Molina out with the same motion earlier in the game. Did you miss that?
He assumed that because the batter swung and missed he was out, not taking into account that the ball actually hit the ground first, which then required him to throw down to first to get the batter out.

Do you really think he does not know this? He's in the big leagues for crying out loudRoll Eyes!

The ump only gave the sign that the call was a strike, not that the batter was out. He didn't turn sideways and extend his arms, then pull his arm hard into his body as the umps normally do when they call the batter out on a third called strike.

Looks to me like he's extending his arm, don't quote me on this but I do believe that is the universal signal for a swing on a third strike if the catcher has dropped the ball or if it has touched the ground... you know kind of like a "holding call" in football, right hand over left wrist moving in a downward motion.

When AJ sees this he immediately turns, puts his head down and runs, the replays show that when Eddings gave the "out" signal, AJ is already begining to run with his head down, so he probably didn't see the fist.

As a catcher, you of all people should know if you catch a ball. Your opinion of the "non-cath" doesn't matter, and neither does mine. What matters is Eddings messed up with his mechanics and second guessed himself.

Knowledgable baseball fans 1
Ramrod 0

By the way that did not cost them the series, they still lost three other times.
Last edited by Glove Man

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