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Originally Posted by coach2709:


No offense but those are his trophies not yours.  What does he want to do with them?


I agree. My son still has whatever he wants still sitting on the dresser in his room. Never even considered going through them and getting rid of any. He'll do it when the time comes.
I agree with Coach. I still have all of my trophies somewhere. I'm thinking they are in a box in our storage unit. My stuff from high school is in my bedroom still. Right now I can look up at my wall and see all of my varsity letter certificates, various leadership award certificates, etc. Also have some senior gifts from high school and a couple of plaques. Plus, now I have an MVP award from college and my Certification plaque hanging on my wall. Those may be from a different time in my life, but they still hold significance to me.
We have left my sons room alone except for routine cleaning since he left home for college in 08. It's his room. It will always be his room. He can decide what he wants to do with his stuff when he finally settles down in a place of his own. There is something very comforting for a young man about coming home and seeing his stuff right where it was when he left. No matter how things are going or how much they have changed, there's always home. Just my opinion.
I don't mean to sound like a jerk, so I apologize in advance if I do. On the few message boards I participate, there always seems to be subjects that people will post about to seem "cool" or whatever. One one site I post, people will boast about setting the A/C at 75, not eating at chain restaurants, drinking imported beer nobody has heard of, and listening to music you never hear on the radio. On this web site, it's trophies, or participation trophies.

Read this thread and went down to my sons room. I think he has all his. Trophies, including participation ones. Nothing wrong with keeping them and nothing wrong with not keeping them either.

I would ask my kids before I got rid of anything of theirs.

Miz ... No one is making a big deal about keeping or not keeping participation trophies. My point about my kids not keeping them meant there was a lot less clutter to organize. From 7 to 12 with three sports would have been 18 additional trophies for each of them.


When my son was young he had an interesting observation about trophies. He wanted to know why an MVP trophy of mine was larger than the championship trophy.

Originally Posted by Coach_May:
We have left my sons room alone except for routine cleaning since he left home for college in 08. It's his room. It will always be his room. He can decide what he wants to do with his stuff when he finally settles down in a place of his own. There is something very comforting for a young man about coming home and seeing his stuff right where it was when he left. No matter how things are going or how much they have changed, there's always home. Just my opinion.


Same here.  Son is in his 2nd year of college and all his trophies (even the LL participation trophies), awards, ribbons, certificates, HR balls and plaques remain on the display shelf.   They are all his.  Not ours.  And its "his" room until he officially moves out and is supporting himself.


I'm pretty sure he'd want to keep them.  Over the years what few I earned have disappeared and only one remains.  Not sure what happened to them.  But the one I cherish the most is a small glove trophy we received from our son on senior night (last HS home game).  On the ball in his hand writing is "Thanks for all the support through the years".  That one, alone, has made it worth the effort.


I'm in no way posting this to brag about trophies. Any ball player that has played in as many leagues and tournaments as my son would have about the same. My only point was since he left and we gave his room a good cleaning I was surprised at the amount of trophies and was just wondering how other parents dealt with them once the boy had moved on.


It is fun however to go look at them and reminisce.

I'm on the same page as Coach May on this one. My went to college in 2010 and we have touched the trophy shelf around the to of his room.


The one thing we did throw out were about 15-20 bats. He had all his old bats in the garage from when he started playing at 7 years old. Don't know why we kept them but they were all in a shopping basket we have.


While cleaning at the garage this spring he and I went through the basket. Although we did throw most of them out it was a lot of fun for both of us to remember when and where he used each bat and even remembering specific hit with each bat. Even the bats he used at 7 or 8 years old. That was good stuff! He kept a couple he had especially fond memories of but most were thrown out.With the new bat regs I didn't think anyone could use them as far as donating them went.


Now we're down to about 7 or eight wood bats he still uses when I throw him BP, which I might have done for the last time a couple of weeks ago....boy I hope not.

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