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A few months ago, I wrote an article about common misconceptions regarding college showcases and recruiting letters. I have noticed a lot of threads regarding these recruit letters and showcase camps, and I think my article might be able to help some people out. It can be found here:
EDIT: Article pasted below

"So you just got a letter in the mail from the University of Texas, or an email from USC. Congrats! You are one of the thousands of ball players who receive these canned letters with the main message being "Dear prospect, come to our camp! Be seen by college coaches for only $599!"

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? Well if that is the case, you are not alone. I am now a high school senior with my final high school baseball season quickly approaching. For over a year now, I have been receiving daily letters and emails from all sorts of schools "offering" me a spot in their "select" camp.

The million dollar question is, which camps should you go to? To answer this, we need to be realistic. If you are a right handed pitcher with a low 80s fastball, and you get a letter from University of Miami, do you really think you have a shot? Well I hate to break it to you, but the chances of you playing for the Hurricanes are mighty slim. The truth is that high profile colleges try to make money off of their camps by inviting players that have hopes of playing college baseball, but have no realistic chance of playing at that school.

However, don't ignore all of these invites to camps. If you really have your heart set on playing for a certain school and you have a realistic chance at doing so, then by all means go to their camp! It is a great way to get your name on the school's recruiting list. Be wary, these camps can cost several hundred dollars, so use judgment when deciding which camps to attend.

If in doubt, talk to your high school baseball coach and ask them for their honest opinion on which colleges you have a shot at playing for. Don't waster thousands of dollars on those money making camps. Go to a couple camps of schools where you have a realistic shot at playing. Good luck!"
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Not too sure if your posts are appropriate. If you want to start a discussion regarding college camps and showcases fine, but linking to for profit sites to read a piece you wrote once is generally a no no, I believe. If you want to "cut and paste" your words or rewrite your thoughts, but this looks like thinly disguised marketing. You may be very good at it, but this is not the proper venue for your experiment.
Last edited by floridafan
Welcome to the HSBBW.

I am also going to ask that your remove your link and signature line, you can take up advertising with the site owner. Thanks for your cooperation.

You are an enterprising young man, good for you, however, I doubt whether this site will earn you money, as most of what you probably have written about and charging for is advice given freely here.

BTW, Steve Ellis is a member of our community and many of us know him, I am sure you have his permission to use his material and his name as reference, a good idea might be to link up to his site.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by TPM:
Welcome to the HSBBW.

I am also going to ask that your remove your link and signature line, you can take up advertising with the site owner. Thanks for your cooperation.

You are an enterprising young man, good for you, however, I doubt whether this site will earn you money, as most of what you probably have written about and charging FOR is advice given freely here.

BTW, Steve Ellis is a memeber of our community anD many of us know him, I am sure you have his permission to use his material and his name as reference, a good idea might be to link up to his site.

Yes, I actually do know Steven and do quite a bit of writing for his sites. I did link to his site in my original post in this thread, but was told to remove it.

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