Is this next pitcher lifting the heel to high, losing velocity? I think he should be throwing harder and I feel that it has to do with lifting the pivot foot to early before release.
He's probably rotating too early (as the support foot can lose contact with the ground, thus affecting both velocity and control)
Get him to move explosively leading with the front hip.
Hid stride is way too short. Way, way too short.
And the first pitcher, (without seeing a video) could possibly be reaching with his front leg. He should be speeding up the entire mass of his body by leading explosively (stride length of 100%+ would be ideal). The reaching will tend to make the pitcher land on his heel because his trunk is not moving with the head over the bellybutton all the way until landing.
Increasing stride length is not about something the lead leg is doing. The position of the lead leg is a result of the entire body moving faster so that the head and trunk are in a good position at landing.
Remember, the more momentum, the more speed of movement, will generate more elastic energy, which produces velocity.