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Baked, fried, cajun, grilled, stuffed, smoked,...? Or, all of the above?

Please indulge me:

Who cooks?
Or do you go out?

Who does the dishes? Mom, dad, kids, Aunt Ermal, pet poodle?

Favorite part of the meal? Mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie, other?

Cool whip or no cool whip?


How many naps have ya taken so far? ( Come on, honest Wink )

Have to work tomorrow or have the day off?

Was this feast as good as last year?
Favorite part?
( mine,....the marshmallow yams! Ohhh Nelly!)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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Turkey is deep fried. Heck we are in the south right? Stuffing is dry so I dont eat it. A southern cured ham. Wow! Now thats eatin. But here is the best part.

butter beans. Fried squash with onions. Mash taters with gravy. Boiled cabbage with pinto beans. Corn bread.

pumpkin pie. lots of it. sweet tater pie. lots of it.

Mom does the pie. Wife does the turkey and ham. Mom does the veggies. Women do the dishes. Hey we are in the south right?

The men sit around and watch football all day. The women cook and clean everything up. Now tomorrow will be there day to have some fun while we work. They will go shopping while we go hunting for more food. Deer of course. Yall have a great Thanksgiving.

Oh by the way the men really clean up and wash all the dishes. And we thank our wives and our moms for being so special to all of us.
I did the cooking but my wife and sister in law did most of the cleanup (they are fast).
I featured a homerun of a stuffing... sausage, rice and saltines mixed with the usual.
My twice baked potatoes with cheese and bacon were also a big hit. I had yesterday off so I cooked up a storm last nite... I'll take the next 300 or so days off (unless you count the grill or my cream can feasts)...
I'm off all weekend (school teacher) so I'm pretty much relaxing and playing lots of nerf football games with the kids and neighbor kids all weekend.
Mom-in-law brought pies... lots of pies Smile..
Happy Turkey leftovers to all Smile
Last edited by trojan-skipper
I had my turkey oven roasted and on my plate with corn bread dressing, giblet gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes topped with pecans, potato salad, deviled eggs, pumpkin pie, salad, sweet tea, corn pudding, and the list goes on. Wife has been off all week, baking --- cooking and cleaning. I stay out of the kitchen during the holidays. Like coach May I'm on the deer stand (harvested 3 today - our daily limit) or in the duck blind. Tomorrow she starts bright and early and shops for door busters, son returns to Auburn to see the Auburn-Alabama game, and I'm off to the duck blind to put out decoys for Saturday's opening day. We've had one of the most beautiful falls I've seen in many years. Colors were so vibrant! Just in the last few days the trees started losing their gold and red glows to the winds of winter. And it won't be long until the aroma of the wood burning fire place fills the air. Great to live in Tennessee.
I have never seen the colors more beautifull than this fall. They turned much later maybe because of the drought conditions we have had. But the last few rains we have gotten must have done the trick. The colors are almost unreal they are so beautifull. Today I just sat and looked at the trees and the colors. I also thought about how fast time goes by. And I thought about how lucky I am to have my family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Maybe its really is true the best things in life are free. Like the sight of those colors on the trees.
Our meal was just about the same as everyone elses, we roast our turkey and our sweet potatoes are topped with melted marshmallows! We begin the day at noon and it's just ending. I am tired and have to work tomorrow.

Pumpkin pie went untouched as TPM's and daughter's carvel ice cream birthday cake was a bigger hit.
Originally posted by golfball:
Started Thanksgiving morning off by playing in a 9-hole golf tournament with my son. The temperature was about 70 degrees.

Our Holiday golf was switched to last Monday the 19th when it was a balmy 45, by Thurs there was an inch of snow and a high of 25. Thanksgiving was traditional at 6:00 with the in-laws. The rz side of the family who lives a bit outside the box started the day with a 5k walk/run with a couple thousand other Madisonians in the "Berbee Derby". We then sat down with a grilled, baked, broiled, boiled, raw, and pickled seafood smorgishboard. My favorites ranged from the grilled Orange Roughy to the cod boiled in 7-up aka poor-mans lobster, to the pickled bulegill. It was a first and it sounds a bit strange but the results were fantastic and it paved the way for a BIIIG mid-afternoon nap and Turkey at 6.

today is my day for making my baked turkey enchiladas with the leftovers.
Last edited by rz1

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