Ive been working on a 4th pitch [4seam, change, curve] and now a 2 Seamer.
The first day I threw it I has decent success, relatively close to the zone every time I threw it, and sharp late break on it.
But I can't seem to start it off the outside corner and get it to break onto the outside.
AKA, Backdoor it.
Its really annoying, since I can throw it over the middle and get it on the inside black[to a righty], but anytime I start it on the left side of the plate, or off it, it stays flat.
I recieved the suggestion of moving from the middle 3rd base side of the rubber, to the 1st base side of the rubber.
I'm assuming its the same concept as front dooring a curveball [righty to righty] tendancy is it will hang a bit more since it isn't getting the same torque?[lack of better word].
Ideas appreciated.
I'd really like to master this, Ive seen what Peavy does, and it is filthy.
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