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Tiger Woods is now on call for an explanation---and the major papers and reporters are all over the "supposed" girlfriend---

This is another example as to our kids need to look to the parents and immediate family as thuse they want to emulate---

The interview , whenever it happens , should be interesting but please ESPN not in the middle of our Sunday Football---had enough of that yesterday during the great college game slate
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I was wondering the same thing, must be a west coast thing.

Maybe he can blame it on Toyota!

I do believe that GM is more to blame on that one HR04??

It was a Cadillac Escalade involved.

Maybe She wanted, And or ( Deserved ) a Mercedes.
Or maybe taken Kobe's example:
And by a Diamond Ring.

Let this be a lesson.
You can't buy Love.

Originally posted by theEH:
I just don't Know what American Idol and Clay Aiken's Feet,
Have to do with Tiger Woods unfortunate car accident??


I don't get the title either.

We figured it out, wife found a message or # on cell phone, had an argument, he said he was leaving, she went after him with a golf club, he ran for his life trying to get away with the Escalade, forgot about the hydrant, then hit the tree. Any other explanation is not beleiveable, LOL.
He should have stayed inside and let her beat the **** out of him and said he fell down the steps, or walked into a door, or whatever.
Stupid stuff, I am sick of hearing about it, that's his private business, they should leave them alone and let the chips fall.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by theEH:
I just don't Know what American Idol and Clay Aiken's Feet,
Have to do with Tiger Woods unfortunate car accident??


I don't get the title either.

We figured it out, wife found a message or # on cell phone, had an argument, he said he was leaving, she went after him with a golf club, he ran for his life trying to get away with the Escalade, forgot about the hydrant, then hit the tree. Any other explanation is not beleiveable, LOL.
He should have stayed inside and let her beat the **** out of him and said he fell down the steps, or walked into a door, or whatever.
Stupid stuff, I am sick of hearing about it, that's his private business, they should leave them alone and let the chips fall.

You're such a skeptic.

Don't you know that she wasn't beating the tar out of the Escalade with that golf club as he frantically tried to back out the driveway and get away from her...

When she heard the crash, she instinctively grabbed the golf club in case he needed to be freed from the car. In Sweden, golf clubs are commonly used in place of the jaws of life.
Last edited by CPLZ
Interesting that 'ol Tiger says there's nothing to it...but for three days hasn't been able to innocently explain what actually did happen...

My money is on something close to TPM's version. Da momma used a golf club to get him out of the car?? Why not unlock and open the door? Locked? She couldn't get a key somewhere...

Why did OnStar not send help?

He got cuts on his face backing into a fire hydrant and a tree? Maybe, but only after momma clawed him a good one on the way out the door.

Question: does Tiger's endorsement deal with Nike require his wife to only hit him with a Nike club?


"Hello, this is Birdie at OnStar. What is the nature of your emergency?"

"Uhhh...This is Elin, Tiger Wood's wife! He's been messing around! Off with his head! I'm mad as he11 and I'm not going to take it anymore! I'm trying to take his head off with a sand wedge. First I swung and took out the rear window of his Cadillac Escalade and then I swung for his head, but I missed. Is that a one stroke penalty?"

"It certainly is ma'am. Do you think you will eventually manage to hit Tiger's head?"

"I wouldn't be swinging this club if I thought I couldn't knock his block off! Hey...he just took out a fire hydrant! Is that considered a lateral water hazard or just casual water? May I drop without penalty one club-length nearer his head?"

"Yes, that is allowed. I'll alert the paramedics...and the paparazzi."

"Thank you OnStar!"


Last edited by gotwood4sale
I am so glad that, when my wife got mad at me,I am not a golfer. I ran to a Micky D's and she beat me with a 6 hour old Hot Apple Pie.

I am just glad that all of my personal problems, with my wife, don't get put out there for all to see. I appreciate that athletes have a responsibility to be role models. Tiger has been pretty good about that. He made a huge mistake not coming out with a statement immediately.

Florida law doesn't require him to speak to police with no accusers. However, Florida law also requires vigorous investigation if domestic abuse is suspected.

Frankly, I respect his wife for "rescuing" him from whatever it was.....accident or infidelity. lol Tough women always rock.
Originally posted by TPM:
Stupid stuff, I am sick of hearing about it, that's his private business, they should leave them alone and let the chips fall.

His "private business" ended when a 911 call was made.

What he makes playing golf is minimal compared to the endorsements he makes on promoting his "character". If this guy turns out to be a physically/mentally abusive person, or a cheating husband behind the scenes then I think since he made the bed with satin sheets, he should have to sleep in it. Fame has it's tremendous "upsides", but it should never be a cloak for the mishaps of life.

If any of us hit a tree and fire hydrant leaving our driveway at 3am with our spouse hovering over our bloodied body with a golf club in hand, there would be questions to answer, FL resident or not, and the media would have fun with it regardless of our position on the food chain. There is no "free pass" because of who you are in my book.
Last edited by rz1
This is only news since no one has been able to get any dirt on Woods. Whatever happened is between his wife and he to resolve. Since gated communities are usually private roads there aren't any traffic violations. If neither Woods or his wife file charges against each other, once again, no charges. I'll guess Woods can afford to have his neighbor's yard fixed.

We can guess what probably happened, but who cares? I could care less about the private lives of celebrities. Everyone has problems from time to time. Being a celebrity doesn't make their problems any more important except to people with nothing better to do with their own lives.


As for Adam Lambert, had his performance been a Broadway show it was brilliant. It was very inappropriate for network television. I can't believe no one at ABC read the lyrics. The song is about S&M. How could ABC think something couldn't go wrong. Even done by script the performance was over the top for network television. Blame ABC. But there is a button on the tv labeled "OFF". I wonder how many people who were shocked watched every second of the performance.

Lambert couldn't afford the amount of publicity he created on every news show in the country the day his DVD was going on sale. Premeditated? Absolutely! As for ABC, 1500 viewers complained. 1400 of them will watch next year along with 50,000 new viewers who will wonder what will happen next. Always follow the money trail.


Woody ... Great stuff with the operator!
Last edited by RJM
Wow, I am conflicted...I agree with RZ and I agree with RJM

One part of me says he makes him $$$ in a very public way...he can have his cake and eat if too

But another says...Christ he is human just like the rest of us wasn't there some bible stroy about "he that throws the first stone????

Well back to the internal battle....
RJM quote:
I could care less about the private lives of celebrities.

Likewise. But unless there is a "wack upside the head" once in a while for those who think their shet don't stink, they will always "use-n-abuse" the system by way of the $. That abuse only separates the classes more. We will continue to have "social conflict" until there is an understanding that no man is more privilaged than the next. The message is not only directed only to that individual, but, hopefully it may turn on the light to others in "gated community" environments.

WHO AM I TO KID? I doubt that will never happen!

In the meantime, some will break bread with the poor and needy, I will carry a 7-iron and wait in the weeds for those who abuse their throne .

I doubt I'll never make a difference, but if it turns on one light I will have peace of mind that I took a stand.
Last edited by rz1

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