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I'm not quite sure this Poster gets it though PG has enlightened him fairly well. As well as others. Mcfly comes to mind.

The fun begins on Page 4!

Going on now in Maryland thread

"The difference between excellence and mediocrity is commitment." Twitter: @KwwJ829

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It seems like every so often - we get one of these.

Usually it is either a competing organization that simply cannot compete with PG or - as is usually the case - a disgruntled parent.

Having been familiar with the PG organization for quite some time now - and hoping to always speak plainly and truthfully about anything surrounding youth baseball I will offer this opinion:

1) Go to a PG - any PG event - and you will see very talented young men playing the game ALL the time. I wonder why they go there?

2) Go to a PG event - any PG event - and you will always see very talented staff members who know the game. I wonder why they work there?

3) Go to a PG event - and you will see hundreds of Pro scouts and collegiate coaches. I wonder why they attend these events?

In addition to being the best at what they do - I would go so far as saying they are also the most honest.

Personally - I think that honesty is a direct result of their leadership. There is no doubt in my mind that the PG organization is actually a reflection of the man who runs it.

As for the parents and the young athletes reading this, remember this:

Alot of people - usually parents - cannot handle the truth. When their kid gets a low rating - its not their kids ability that is lacking - it is PG's fault. So - they attack - usually with some deception and often - with outright lies.

The important message for young aspiring players is this:

True athletes - in any sport - dont live and die by what others say about them. They dont whine - and they dont make excuses or attack others for their own shortcomings.

True athletes live and die - in a competitive sense - for the next game. They live and die for the chance to get better every day - and they live and die for the opportunity to meet each challenge with a renewed sense of purpose and an iron will.

The sooner young athletes realize this - the better chance they will have in reaching their full potential - regardless of what level that may be.

Last edited by itsinthegame
I'm gonna have to agree with itsinthe game.uper My son attended the Phoenix Fall PG Showcase. He had a very enjoyable time and found out what some of the best of his age group were capable of and where he stood (high in some areas, not so high in others). He saw quite a few of his past team mates and made some super new friends also which he now txts.

That said.....I asked here, in a rather poor fashion I'll admit, what do the "scores" mean? Received many negative comments and a few rather terse IMs. My thoughts were as follows:

1. There are many PG supporters out there. A few of the negative comments were from folks that run this web site regarding my ability to figure out this whole IM thing and speculated on my "motives". I figured PG must be a significant contributer to the site.
2. The opinions of the PG staff regarding player demonstrated ability are pretty much right on, and in my son's hitting, demonstrated at their event, even a bit generous.
3. PG runs a superb well organized fun showcase. I think they excel at relaxing a kid and letting him show his stuff. There is ample opportunity to "show your stuff" but you need to bring your "A" game and be ready to show it from registration on.
4. PG is pricy, but they use top notch facilities, hire good quality umpires for their games. Their organization, admin, keeping to schedule, positive coaching from their showcase coaches, etc...simply can't be beat in the short time I've been watching showcase events.

Personally I'd like to see more discussion on boards such as this about what the "scores" truly reflect for potential, especially scores in the 7.0 range......parental experience and memories stuff. And I'd like to see more "game" comments because I witnessed some players there that truly made some outstanding plays that didn't make their comment sheet on their profile. But that's just me.

Bottom line, for a "for profit" company, did I get my $$ worth, I think yes...very much yes. Will the son do it again....probably.

My middle son received a "7" from the Underclass showcase. He is now a senior and we are still finalizing our recruiting quest. He has had offers from 2 out of state D3's as he is an excellent student.

Living in Florida as a "7" does not afford many opportunities. Although he can pitch well he tops out at around 84-85 right now and he is under 6'. He has a good bat but lacks the power to drive it over the fence. He has a good glove but is limited to a 7.1 60 time.

We continue to try to attract a D2 from out of the area. Such are the trevails of a ranked 7 player!
Last edited by floridafan

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