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I am not sure if this is the best place to post this but I see that everyone seems helpful with comments on recruiting videos. Attached is my son's video and I would appreciate feedback. We live in MT and it is difficult to get exposure in front of most colleges, so video seems like a good option.

On a side note, we did get to the Stanford Future Stars Camp and I think I briefly met Aleebaba there.

Thanks in advance.
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Originally posted by MTCatcherDad14:
I am not sure if this is the best place to post this but I see that everyone seems helpful with comments on recruiting videos. Attached is my son's video and I would appreciate feedback. We live in MT and it is difficult to get exposure in front of most colleges, so video seems like a good option.

On a side note, we did get to the Stanford Future Stars Camp and I think I briefly met Aleebaba there.

Thanks in advance.

good job but imo 3 minutes too long...
Looks like a very good, quick, athletic catcher.

From a more critical standpoint the video shows a weakness (arm strength) if the very highest levels are the audience. Very nice left handed swing with bat speed. However, he appears to be strictly a right handed hitter.

Looks like an excellent player who should work hard over the next year improving his arm strength. Everything else looks good.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Very nice left handed swing with bat speed. However, he appears to be strictly a right handed hitter.

To go off what PGStaff said, a switch-hitting catcher is a valuable player for a coach to have. However, in the video, it appears your son is only hitting right handed. The advantage of a SH is the ability to hit left-handed when facing a RHP, which there are typically more of in college. Although, we don't have enough background information as observers (or potential coaches recruiting him) to determine if he is a true switch-hitter or not. Perhaps your son is working to develop his LH swing and was just not ready/comfortable to swing LH in a game situation. Hopefully at the camps, showcases, etc. that you are attending, your son is showing a switch-hitting capability if that is of value to him (or potential coaches).

I'd be curious to know about the whole switch hitting matter. IMO, If not a real possibility, I wouldn't include it on the video. But, once again, don't know the circumstances!

Best of luck to you and your son!
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it.

It has been interesting because I have had different opinions on the length of the video. One college coach told me it was about right and some here have said it is too long. I think if a coach really is interested in him, it is about right because it shows more. If the goals is just to catch someone's attention though, shorter would probably be better. Next year when we compile his junior year video we will make it shorter, basically to update from this video.

Re the SPARQ, eg. running, the point was to show the athleticism. Also some seem more interested in that than others.

I also thought the comment on his arm strength was on point. All of this footage was from early in the year and he has improved a lot since then. At the Stanford Future Stars Camp his POP was timed at 1.84 by the college catching instructor and they actually commented on his arm strength as an asset.

Finally, on the switch hitting that has been a big question mark. This is the deal. He has developed his left-side swing since he was 12. Last off-season, he worked very hard at it, taking over 5,000 swings and was ready to go this year. However, his legion coach discouraged him from hitting left, primarily because as a sophomore he was facing mostly upperclassmen and college freshman pitchers. I disagreed but that was the coaches decision so that is what he did so I didn't have any game footage. In the post-season showcases, he does hit left and so far has done well as he sees the ball very well from that side. Next year, he will switch hit in legion and we will add that footage but for now he is primarily a right-handed hitter.

Thanks again.

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