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It is heartbreaking. For the life of me though I do not understand how she was cleared to play after collapsing two weeks earlier and requiring CPR. Very tragic and very odd.

At the begining of the season at University of Tampa all the players had a physical, my guy was flagged for a heart murmer and required a battery of tests to be cleared to play. At the time I was a bit incensed that a "Trainer" had thought he may have heard a murmur, and my guy was benched pending a full medical review. A couple thousand later it was determined he had an innocent murmur that actually went away as he exerted himself.

My only point is, I am glad that the school required these tests, even though at the time I was a bit P.O.ed. There have been way too many deaths of seemingly healthy atheletes that just collapse and die.

A parents worst nightmare.

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