Thanks in advance for all the wonderful advice on here....much appreciated and very useful. I would like to pose our scenario to the board and hopefully anyone who has "been there and done that" to offer their advice on what we should do.
2014 D1 prospect has gotten over 35 e-mails, letters, etc since Sept 1 when first allowed. 4-5 of them were invites to unofficial campus visits and RC's cell phone inviting him to call, which he did. Good conversations and feedback back and forth so far.
Took one unofficial and was told the 13-14 kids on the visit were their "top 14" and would offer all when they come back for official...they are renovating stadium/facilities and wanted this class to come back to see finished product. Since that visit, communication back and forth with my son and the RC but only about monthly. This school, BTW is in his top 3 right now.
Attended several camps over past 90 days and he "got noticed" at each one by HC...i.e., head coach asked him name, class, school, etc. Watched him intently at all camps, it was very obvious. These were schools in the top conferences (SEC, ACC) so I know he is right on the cusp with these schools. All told him or his summer coach afterwards that they liked him, wanted to see again and he is on their follow list for this coming summer (his junior summer). One of the schools that he attended this camp with is now his #1 choice as their facilities were phenomenal.
At one of these camps, a D1 school in the south (we live in mid-west) also saw him and immediately began blowing up his e-mail, etc. This school was not even on his radar (play in a lesser D1 conference but I knew of them) and they have moved very, very quickly. Invited him to junior day about 3 weeks after this camp and even escalated it to point of having him come early so he could meet with HC and they told him will be extending offer. He was the only one on this unofficial visit that met the coach early and got an offer, as other kids didn't arrive until 2 hours after us.
Son was pleasantly surprised with school, great facilities (actually better than some of the ACC/SEC schools we saw) and loved coaching staff. The conference concerns him and they aren't a "name brand" school like he wants (the interest he has gotten from the big boys is almost a bad thing as he fully expects to play at one of those schools but being a dad, I want to be realistic too....I know they fill up quickly with their offers and I worry about waiting until summer for them to see him again and if/when they have room for him).
The offer from this school was generous and near a fantastic city that our family would probably relocate into, so these are all positives (good academic school, etc, etc). Son has them at least #3 on his list and probably lower if a couple other unofficials go well and he gets looks from a few more schools this summer that have told him they are coming to see him.
QUESTION: The school that made offer said it is good for about 60 days and they won't pull it, but the percentage may go down as other kids verbal. I don't want him to verbal to them and then back off, so we are kind of stuck. Would you:
* Tell this school that they are 3-4 on his list and if the others don't offer, he is interested?
* Not tell them anything, stay in touch and let play out hoping that if/when he does commit to them they still want him and have money available?
* Call the first school above that he took unofficial to and who is in his top #3 and find out if they are serious about offer and tell them he getting other offers, we need to know their intentions?
* If do the above, should I do that, he make that call or have a summer coach make the call?
* Is this gamemanship with the offer school....i.e. would they really tell him "no thanks" in the fall if he came back and said I want to commit after all? Once they want you they want you or does that really go away?
This is a bird in the hand deal where I don't want to lose a reasonable and possible option for him while waiting on a better option only to not have that option come through? Now, all this said I think that barring injury he will do something to impress one of these bigger schools this year and get the offer he wants, just never know and hate to chance it.
Thanks for the help and advice in advance!!