hey i need help regarding supplements!
Btw thanks to every one who helped me decide not to take NO-Xplode (or any 'NO')
i am taking ON 100% WHEY.
I was thinkn of taking No-Xplode and L-Arginine but decided against it due to the affects that it has on my testoterone and that i am a bit young for that (17).
Other supplements i was thinking about taking include:
Creatine not sure what type though, leaning towards monohydrate as it has been around longer.(EAS - Phosphagen Elite)
can any one reccomend any supplements, why that one, and some info about it?
i am a pitcher, 6ft, 176 Lbs and about 15%bf.
i work my legs heavy 2x per week, i run long distances 3x per week, do sprints 4x per week, longtoss everyday and BP 2x per week.
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