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Abingdon is amazing! My fiend plays there and got a full pitching scholarship to Ferrum College this year,he is a Senior. Babe Ruth League is hoping to get started in Lebanon I cant play that,not old enough. Junior League,already started and I am stuck playing little league instead of Junior League since I am only 12 for a couple more weeks I have to play there. Dixie and Cal Ripken are also not here. I've checked everything around here and theres no leagues in Abingdon or anywhere close. We are hoping to have a fall ball league started this year but other than that theres nothing I found. Did you ever hear of one in Abingdon?
What do you mean? I know I have alot more time to play at the age 12 but I mean I'm just saying I like to play,Im going to camp too this year but I just wondered if there was any leagues near me. I saw a site in which it mentioned all the leagues in VA(summer,fall,little league,you name it)and there was no summer leagues near me. Thats all I wanted but thanks again for you help.
No...what I mean is that you have a few more years to develop. I think it is great you are seeking opportunities. I suggest calling perhaps the Abingdon HS coach...or have someone call for you. They may know of an AAU team in SW VA that you could hook up with. The more ball you can play, against good competition, the better. Good luck in your quest.
O ok thats what i thought you mean't. I may ask my friend about it because he has been playing at aboingdon since he was just as young as me. Im checking out the site( and see alot just none near my area. When I get older,I hope to go to showcase's and what not. Personally I hope to go to the BArry Larkin camp at Salem when Im a freshman,sophomore,and/or junior year(s).

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