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My cousin (14, 5'7 about 160 lbs+) is strong and hits well but MAN...his running isn't there at all. I am a marathon runner so I can't help in this area as Im sure in this sport burst and speed is more valuable than endurance. He takes short steps when he runs and isn't very fast.

I want to help him improve his burst speed and reaction time, any tips or workouts specific to baseball that would address this area? Im sure some of you parents/trainers/athletes have had some that have worked, some that haven't. Care to share your wisdom?

Also, I hear that the 60-dash time avg. is roughly in the 7 second range, is this measured on a track? with cleats on dirt? etc.

Thanks guys!
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I have seen it run on grass with cleats, without cleats, as well as on a track. I believe the type of running surface and conditions vs. times are taken into consideration. In my limited experience i would say anything under 8 seconds is decent for your cousin’s age group.

Burst speed and reaction time... Wind sprints are still popular. Jump Rope is a simple one for reaction time and footwork - and requires little space.

Good luck
While speed is a gift, it is possible to improve speed and kids naturally get faster as they mature. (some quite a lot) There is much more to speed than just doing plyo’s and box jumps. I would find a sprint coach who really understands the development of speed and he should give you a phased program of: 1. Heavy lifting 2. Dynamic workouts 3. Running specific exercises 4. Technique specific training

Sprinters work year round on their training and while not all of what they do applies to baseball most of the lower body/core work does. Sprinters work a lot on upper body/shoulders (for pumping action) which does not translate to baseball, but the rest of their workouts are very helpful to baseball players. I would integrate what you get from a sprint coach with what you should get from a strength and conditioning coach who understands phased baseball conditioning and your son will be light years ahead. During the summer/fall he should be working hard on body mass increases, and then he should move into explosive phase as he gets closer to the season. Good Luck!
My daughter grew fourteen inches in eighteen months from 12-14. It really affected her coordination and (softball) base running. Her stride was really messed up. Hell, she looked like a newborn calf trying to get on it's feet coming out of the batter's box. I sent her to a summer Speed Camp at a nearby reputable college track program. It definitely helped. Unfortunately it helped so much she quit basketball for indoor track.
Last edited by RJM
haha, well one sport for another is good!

BOF, thanks for the insight, It's a tough road I imagine. A good coach can make all the difference in getting your stride right. I will definitely look into a sprint coach. Right now a buddy of mine who will play special teams football for Mizzou is "trying" to help him with his footwork and speed, but I feel the disparity and difference between sports often end up in him getting lost so a coach specific to running will be better. Funny how before he started playing more baseball I was completely oblivious to all that goes in to the sport.

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