Very interesting and informative thread.
One other comment I often read here relates to choosing a college where your son will be happy, and that "you can afford". But I have to offer a dissenting opinion about that. I suspect that there are a lot of parents here who CAN'T "afford" the college their son attends! How about a college that you can "survive"?
Any other families like ours? With both of our boys in college this year, there is no way that we can "afford" it. Some months it is downright nerve-wracking, coming up with a way to pay the college bills, and it sure isn't helping our retirement hopes. But this is a relatively short period in our lives and the lives of our children, a short period that can make such a difference in their futures. If they are studying something they are interested in, at a college where they soon feel "at home"; if they are making progress toward a degree and hopefully a satisfying career; if they are maturing as people and hopefully getting a chance to play some baseball ... what a priceless time in their lives. And if Mom and Dad still have a roof over their heads by the time they are done ... well, I think that at least in our family, we will figure that we "negotiated" those treacherous years okay!