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I have seen that several young men have decided to continue their education and baseball careers at junior colleges and their parents have reported that they signed NLIs.

First and most important, congratulations!

Second, do JUCOs provide scholarships and what are the parameters? I know that D1 has 11.7. D2 has a couple less. D3 offers none. How about JUCOs?

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Baseball Dad - You might want to move this to the Recruiting forum - might receive more info there.

A DI JUCO (if fully funded) can provide up to 24 scholarships. Whether housing is included in that 24 varies from region to region. Many players choose to go the route of a JUCO simply because there are more dollars available. However, just as in any other level of play, a school may not fund all the scholarships they are allowed - a question for the coach when he calls.
Also Juco are D1, D2 and D3 so they also have a limit on how many scholly's they can offer. In our experience....the D1 juco my son went to, a scholly included tuition and books now my son got his living expense including utilities paid but that came out of one of the other 24 scholly's the coach had. The coaches are usually pretty good bout letting you know what they have to offer. But you do have some info now to know what they are talking about as far as how a scholly is offered. Matt was recruited by a juco in TN and they offered a percentage scholly of total cost to attend their living expense was included in this percentage. So make sure and ask what they are including. We had a list of questions that we took off this site with us on each visit we had.

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