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You should probably check the audio on the 5-1 clip - I don't think you want to have that out there (someone makes a comment about sending it to a specific school).

In general, I'd like to see more game footage - none of these clips appear to be from a real game. I'd also like to see the behind home plate view zoomed in a little closer.
Last edited by 08Dad
I agree. The behind the plate view is a little far back. It would also be good to have your pitching velocity. That could be significantly less than your crow hop velocity. I would wonder why you posted the crow hop, but not from the mound.

On another note, could be me, but it looks like your wind up is rushed. Almost looks like the video is in fast forward mode. If you were one of my pitchers, I would suggest you slow it down a little and keep yourself under control.
Lets talk about the business end of this procedure

01--most coaches won't sign you off a video

02-- why not make it short enough to pique the interest of the coach and make him want to come and see you in action

03--some years back a coach taught me something I have never forgotten--he had heard about my son and had interested--he called from the south where he was located and asked me to send a less than three minute clip so he could see if he felt it was worth his while to travel north to see him---sent him 2 minutes of video and he came to see my son and he offered him after the game---I never forgot it--make it "short and sweet so to make me interested"

I am talking technical aspects here--I am talking showing the player to the best of his ability

Good Luck

PS---this only has to do with a home video--times have changed now
Marketing is an art, show the best video possible, and zoom in on what you are marketing. Live game situation would have been better with competent batters, clean up the background noise by not talking or having people talk to you when videoing or turn off the sound when recording.

I agree the crow hop video was kind of out of place and to keep the video running as you were walking away?????

On another note, this is your chance to sell yourself (or son), I am big into first appearances, and there are a few spelling errors and lack of capitalizations on the various web pages.

By the way, it is Sophomore not Sophmore...

Good Luck enjoy the ride.
Remember that the first impression has the most impact. Get to it, show it, end. In video you've got less than 10 seconds to create interest, show something good.

Less is more. TR was right, keep it short, pique interest, close it.

The biggest mistake people make is they try and show too much. Hit the high points and get out.

JMHO having worked in the media for 15 years.

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