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This board seems to be about questions being answered. Sometimes though, we need to remind ourselves of scenarios to keep the rest of us sharp ... and that is a good thing.
Situation: (men's summer league, MLB rules) Man on 2nd with 0 outs. Batter #2 hits a liner that went over the left fielders head. A frozen rope. He leaped up at the last second and snagged it, falling backwards towards the fence. He dropped the ball, was a little dazed for a second. This allowed the batter/runner to speed all the way to 2nd ... and beyond a few feet. The base ump called the ball down. No one disagreed with the call as everyone saw it. The batter runner retreated to 1st because he had passed the runner on 2nd, who did not move. What should I have called?
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Good responses. This was the first year that this men's league decided to go with an assignor (read: certified umps). They were used to using: A) coaches that were off duty, or B) fans/dads. So when I called this guy out at first for passing, they were flabergasted. The league president called me the next day and said "what did you call?" "Why"? I said something like: "do you want dads or umpires to do your games"? If you use us, you're gonna start seeing alotta stuff called. The next weekend I did a game for the same two teams. I'm the base ump; (in "A") when a guy bunts and runs on the infield grass to first. When the ball hits him in the back, I signal "out". They came unglued. An inning later, with R1, no outs, R1 goes 'half' sliding into 2nd and reaches for the ball - and deflects it. I signal out at 2nd and 1st. You think they were unglued before? I called the league president after that and told them they can't have their cake and eat it too. "You guys want dads to ignore the sticky rules that go against your team(s); but you want good calls by good umps the rest of the time. Took about 5 years before they finally realized good umping helps to make good games.
Originally posted by Michael S. Taylor:
Soound like all good calls. You may want to curb your sarcasm button when dealing with the BOD. I agree that with real umps they will see things called that they aren't used to but do it and move on. I'm sure they will see more balks called too.

Yep - one other thing they were doing about - oh - 3-4 times each game: leaning over the plate to get a HBP. That was not tolerated either. As I think back to what this league was like in '99 vs now. Wow. And it is, to a very large degree, due to quality officials. But, that shouldn't count as bragging, considering what they had before. Each team had to pay $900 to be in the league; now it's $1,800. They pay $70/game (9 innings) straight pay. And you usually work 3 games. 9 hrs = $210.00. This league also has had some excellent pitching. Last year a kid from a Texas Rangers farm allowed 2 hits in the first; perfect for the next 8. Against the best team in the league. Very enjoyable games.

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