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I have heard as high as 85% of kids on baseball scholarships end up changing colleges after their freshman year!!!

Some reasons:
A. Poor college selection
B. Home sickness
C. Mistakes off the field
D. Lack of playing time
E. Mistakes on the field.

For whatever reason, I would be interested in how many freshman coming home will be transferring next year? There is no need to discredit the college, the coach, or even you son.

No Names, High School, College Leaving, College Transferring To.

You are welcome to identify why, but no need to make anything personal...example Son and coach/asst coach did not get along....

Al McCormick
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I agree and place your comments under Poor College Selection.

Quite frankly, and this may be your point, my B through E really are effects/details of A.

I know in my discussions with parents and players, the longest discussion is social aspect of college; how far away from home, size of campus...etc Followed by level of play.

I believe it is the player's first adult decision. I attempt to help them make the best decision socially, athletically, and academically.

Al McCormick
I think in some cases, this might actually be the first time some of these kids have had to earn playing time, and are surprised if they didn't!

I have been telling my sons for the past couple of years, you may have been the best player on your HS team, but when you get to college, everyone of those guys was the best player on their team.

No matter what might be said during the recruiting period, you have to earn a spot on the team, and you have to earn playing time.

I think it sank in and he will realize that it ain't free and work hard. I think he will also realize that if he doesn't get much playing time as a freshman, it is not a reflection on him as a player as much as it is a fact of life for most freshman.
I believe all the above responses are absolutely correct. I believe there is pride that comes into play as well, for both the player and parent. Ex. If I don't go to a big time school then:

A. Won't get recognition at a smaller program (Parent/Player)
B. Peers will se me as a failure (Player)

This coupled with parents who believe they are protecting there children by limiting there social activities outside of high school, (Child will make a mistake that may hinder there shot at something good) often find the child goes off to school and fails miserably because he/she cannot adjust to all of the distractions that exist in a college atmosphere, thus school work gets put on the back burner, and we all know that you cannot be eligible for college athletics without good grades. Hey Al, I haven't talked to you in a while. How's Brian?

Will's Dad
Hey good to hear from you. How is Will doing?

Brian is enjoying life and doing very well baseball. In fact this weekend, JUCO sophomores have a workout in southern Alabama. Keep your positive thoughts throughout the weekend.

Love to hear from you! Any pitchers up your way interested in attending the pitching showcase?

Give me a call or send me an e-mail some time.

Al McCormick
(410) 721-4203

Always hearing rumors re: players leaving this college or that college. Seems to mostly be after freshman year, as mentioned above. Coaching so many years, and watching players move on to college, it seems to me that the #1 reason players leave a school is dissatisfaction with their respective position on the team. In most all of these cases, the player did not do the necessary homework required to make an informed decision. That's right, I'm dropping it right on the player's lap! The players who have taken the lead in this process seem to make the correct choice more often than not. I have seen many players go to the wrong program, and I can point at mom/dad for this decision. While I agree that mom/dad are instrumental in the process, they should not be the front person for the player when it comes to dealing with the coaching staff. More to come...
Had to go read with the kids. Back to the topic at hand. Players can go see a team play, and instantly know whether they can fit in or not. Mom/Dad watch a team play, see the 2B strike out twice and pop up, then say to each other "Johnny can play here!" I know this is a generalization, but I think it helps make my point. When it comes to financial decisions regarding college, mom/dad have to have the call. When it comes to decisions regarding baseball and the athletic program, the player has to make the call. However, the player better be prepared to make an informed decision. If not, they will join the multitude of players who consider transferring or actually transfer each year!
This really is an endless cycle.

A kid leaves a college for what ever reason. The coach at the new school is all excited about getting a transfer. This causes a problem on the roster and results in a recruited player becoming dissastified. The disatisfied player transfers and the cycle starts all over again.

I am curious. How successfull is the transfer at the new school? Do they have a major impact on the program or do they end up being baggage?
I'm sure their are examples of both, but what is the overwhelmong success rate of these transfers?
What I am refering to is the kid who transfer from one four year program to another four year program because of ________(fill in the blank)

No way to quantify "the overwhelming success/failure rate"

...its a leap of faith.

Sorry, Pirate Fan, my post wasn't clear, but I did intend to address ....alltransfers have to compete for a position just like the rest.

Transferring from team to team to enhance the possibility of gaining a position is a risky venture in my view, but transfers because of grades or poor coaching or team relationships are a reality.

I saw two D1 freshmen transfer back to juco for this year, maybe to be draft eligible, but likely for playing time, that, in my opinion, would have had significant opportunities for playing time this year...............

There are many transfer variations but the transferree still has to compete for a position on an unknown and evolving roster..............

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