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The Arlington Heat Baseball Club will be holding tryouts for the upcoming 2017 Spring/Summer seasons. Tryouts will be on Saturday, December 3rd at 11:00am at Cover All Bases (2025A S. Cooper St., Arlington, 76010). Ages 14 and below will play in mostly local tournaments (some travel depending on the team) and league at Texas Star in Euless. Ages 15 and above will play in Showcase tournaments such as V Tool, Diamond Kings, and others. If you would like more information on our teams you can call us at 817-861-4118 or email at You can also check out our website at This site will also provide you will other tryout dates if you cannot attend the first one. There is also a Tryout information form at this site that you can download and fill out if you plan on attending. Please try and be there 15 minutes prior in order to stretch and warm up. There is no charge to attend.

Last edited by Arlington Heat
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