Originally posted by bball123:
Sorry to hear that, hope your son will have a speedy recovery with or without surgery. Unfortunately, there is no way to know without looking at the rearview mirror. If you don't mind sharing your experiences with others, what is his pitch count per week, does he pitch all year round and what type of pitches?
Since January 2012, son has pitched approximately 50 innings I guess. He threw 23 innings during school ball which ran late Feb thru the end of April. Our school plays "summer ball" during the month of June. This is the only time there was, in my opinion, an issue with "overuse". Our "brilliant" coaches would run out the pitcher for 7 inning complete games. This was not just my son but whomever pitched. The problem was I was unable to attend most summer games because they were played in the mornings or early afternoons. On the one occasion I did make a game, after the game I was headed to the dugout to talk with the coach when my son stopped me. He didn't want me to confront the coach. He told me his arm was fine. I tried explaining to him that the arm issues may not show up now but possibly could in the future. I sent him to the coach to get a pitch count, and the coaches' reply was that he threw less than 100. To me, this meant the coach didn't know his count. I'm generally he type parent that is seen but not heard, but after three games that followed this pattern I felt it necessary that I confront the coach to protect my kid. Son asked me not to so I didn't. After a lengthy conversation, he and I agreed that he would remove himself from the game if this issue came up again. While to many this may not seem the best way to handle the situation, all I can tell you is that not all coaches are approachable nor are they all interested in parents' opinions. This is precisely why I had kept my mouth shut up until this point. In his next outing, son told coach his arm was hurting after 3rd inning. The coaches response was to sit him defensively for the remainder of the game as well as the second game of the double header. I tried to see the positive in that they were protecting him, but I'm not sure this was the case because the pitcher in game 2 removed himself after 4 innings and was put at ss. Go figure. I kind of digressed but I wanted to give everyone an accurate description of how we got to this point. He started with his summer team in July and threw 10 innings in 3 appearances from July through the injury two weeks ago.
As far as types of pitches, he throws a 2 and 4 seam fastball, curve and change up. He didn't start throwing curve balls until age 14. He threw a "palm all" for a change up until he could grip a circle change. Interestingly enough, the coach he played for from age 12-14 basically kept him in CF. He probably didn't throw 30 innings over those 2-3 years. I really don't see overuse as a problem. The injury occurred during a try-out from the outfield. Sorry the reply was so long but I hope this helps give a glimpse into our situation.