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I am a catcher yet recently I have got injured and sprained my wrist along with bruised tail bone. Now that I am back from the injury perfectly fine now, yet my arms don't have that much "zip" and my throws are some times high. My arm slot might changed so what should my arm slot be now? Its probaly just a hair line change! Can anyone help me with this?

~Come in clock to work, everyday I get bigger, stronger, faster and built to hurt~
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A lot of kids change their arm slots to whatever is popular at the time. (lot of guys throwing at 3/4 that shouldn't be) Go out and play long toss. Whatever feels naturally to throw at longer distance is your natural arm slot.

Keep in mind, injury to tail bone may be causing you to compensate. If you practiced while rehabbing, you may have taken a shorter stride or not lowered your hips as much as before the injury. The injury to the wrist is another possibility. If you are throwing pain free, practice throwing hard till your release point is back. It probably is not your arm slot.


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