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When puritans will learn that the last 10 years steroids have been part of every sport.

racing horses,track and field
tennis, football, all of then.

I think Bill Clinton used to afford Jessica.
G W Bush used to make the Iraq war decision, and to have energy for so many vacations in his ranch.
Same did Bush father when raised taxes after the "read my lips" lie.
And so and so and so.
We can not erase records, we can not erase history, we have to accept our mistakes and fix our lives from now on.
Steroids will be the scar of this generation, like mariguana was the scar of the sixties. Do we know how many of our heros did their feat under the influence?
Some day, baseball will understand that saints are in church's altars, and baseball players are cummun people with sport talent, they born to fill the stands, to catch, to hit, to pitch.
For them, it is not bad to talk with a fill mouth (sunflowers seeds), or to spit on the floor, or to scrap their lower back side in front of 40,000 people. They are just ball players, and their Hall of Fame got it be to inmortalize baseball feats.

How many oscar winners are human trash, and we fill theatres, and buy theirs CD's, and love them even knowing they are garbage. Some times we are hypocrite and we are not capable of judge others the fair way.
Faith is to believe what you don't see; The reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
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Racab-Appreciate your thoughts on the subject of steroids and not judging so-called celebrities and athletes, but respectfully, you are comparing apples to oranges.

I, for one, do not "love" "human trash" or buy their cd's or see their movies and I would
venture to say there are a lot of fellow posters who are not hypocrital with their ethics.

What rules do actors, singers, celebrities have to abide by?

Are you suggesting we disband all rules and regulations for professional athletes because
they are "just ball players"? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but I don't believe we can allow players to pick and choose what rules fit their lifestyle and what
do not.

They have players' unions(like them or not) and if the players are not happy under the
present conditions wouldn't you think they should address their concerns with their unions
rather than breaking rules/regulations whenever they "just" feel like it?

What I am trying to say is that if players broke any low or reglament they have to pay according with the punishment stablished by the law or reglament. What I trying to say is that in the Palmeiro's case for example, the reglament says that the punishment is 10 days, and people is talking about erase his records, and close the H of F to him, and the reglament says that only after 3 violations the player is banned from baseball. What I am trying to say is that in few months will be so many athletes testing possitive to steroids, that the use of then will be not difference. I trying to say is that a good ball player that lies, is just a lier good ball player, like liers are many presidents, governors, senators, prists, and also websters.
Racab, Are you saying because a lot of people lie about things , we should accept
it? I can't imagine anyone telling the truth about something they did that was against the rules(or the law). Wouldn't you agree that a rulebreaker will also
be a liar as well. Smile

HOF and records are another subject. Do you believe records gained by cheating
should be allowed? ignored? not important?
Please, I don't want this to be a personnal argument between you and me. I just think that the rule has its punishment. I don't think they got their records cheating, they didn't broke any law during the last 10 years. They got bigger and stronger working very hard all year around, and the use of steroids was legal for baseball players at that time, and the league knowing what was happening, they did nothing about it. This is just my opinion and you and any other can disagree.
SmileRacab, I don't consider this a personal argument. More like a discussion.I'm just curious as to why some are so willing to give athletes passes when they clearly have been caught cheating.

I guess we'll just have to disagree. BTW, the use of steroids was not legal for Palmeiro and a number of other players this year who have been suspended.

The MLBPA players, and the MLB front offices have known that players have been using performance enhancing drugs mainly since the 80's.

They cannot be absolved from the fact that the records that have been achieved are suspect.

Hank Aaron did not use...and Frank Robinson just agreed yesterday in an interview that the records of players should be expunged if they have been using performance enhancing drugs, etc.

And we aren't just speaking about steroids.

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