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There are some "on line" reports that this is about a done deal. A-rod to yanks for soriano and several players to be named. Yanks would assume 16-17 million a year of A-rods contract and the Rangers would "eat" the rest (now that's one heck of a super sized meal).

Apparently A-Rod wants out of Texas so bad he has agreed to move to 3rd base, leave jeter at short and they'll find someone to replace Soriano at 2nd.

to all this I say what's the big deal- my dodgers signed Bubba Trammel. Go dodger blue laugh
IMO, Rodriguez' contract was bad for baseball, so anything that happens with it/him just magnifies the problem. Losing Arod and still paying out $67 mil? Could Hicks get any dumber? And will the Rangers have any fans left?

And winding up with the Yankees? Wow, that's a shocker. Roll Eyes

From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
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I remember a long time ago when the oakland A's were going to effectively "sell" vida blue to the cincinnati reds, and the commissioner stepped in and vetoed the trade, saying it was bad for baseball. what the texas rangers are effectively doing is selling a-rod to the yankees. it is bad for baseball. the evil empire's annual payroll is now approaching $200 million. come one...and for soriano? what is wrong with baseball is texas.
It's DEREK and he is the Yankee captain...he isn't going anywhere...AROD is going to 3rd...Soriano and his strike outs are gone. This may be "bad" for baseball but it is good for the women of NYC....Arod and DJ side by side in pinstripes..the left side of the Yankee infield is going to be HOT.

GO NAVY!!!BEAT army!!!!!
This may be "bad" for baseball but it is good for the women of NYC....Arod and DJ side by side in pinstripes..

Don't listen to all the naysaysers that say this is bad for baseball! It is a great day for baseball! Where would baseball be without the Yankees? in deep gloom my friend. The yanks are the "Michael Jordon of basketball".

Everyone is jealous because the yankees win on the field as well as off the field. You ask yourself this question:

If you could own one franchise in baseball whom would it be? Duhhhhh!

Knowledge is Power! Thank you Mavens and HSBBWEB!
Originally posted by dadchs24:
I remember a long time ago when the oakland A's were going to effectively "sell" vida blue to the cincinnati reds, and the commissioner stepped in and vetoed the trade, saying it was bad for baseball. what the texas rangers are effectively doing is selling a-rod to the yankees. it is bad for baseball. the evil empire's annual payroll is now approaching $200 million. come one...and for soriano? what is wrong with baseball is texas.

the A's also actually traded joe rudi and a
pitcher, maybe holtzman to the red sox. the
sox were in oakland for a weekend series when
the trade occured so rudi and pitcher were
in sox uniforms and with team for 1 day. commish voided deal. neither played.
Is it rude of me to quote myself? (from the Norteast forum):

Put yourself in A-Rod's shoes. Your friend Derek kids you about the number of world series rings he has. How can you top that? By going to Boston and being a big part of the team that breaks the most famous curse in sports. Winning the series with Boston would be worth more than anything the Yankees could give you. It would be epic.
If I were A-Rod I would try really hard to get to Boston.
Originally posted by 04CatcherDad:
Is it rude of me to quote myself? (from the Norteast forum):

Put yourself in A-Rod's shoes. Your friend Derek kids you about the number of world series rings he has. How can you top that? By going to Boston and being a big part of the team that breaks the most famous curse in sports. Winning the series with Boston would be worth more than anything the Yankees could give you. It would be epic.
If I were A-Rod I would try really hard to get to Boston.

I will quote myself from the northeast forum:
If I were A-Rod I would try really hard to get to Boston

You've got to be kidding.

Knowledge is Power! Thank you Mavens and HSBBWEB!

Remember, it's a business first!

Knowledge is Power! Thank you Mavens and HSBBWEB!
If the Rangers play this right, this trade could be a huge positive for the Rangers!! With the money they are saving BUY SOME PITCHING!! Also now instead of a very,very tense and divided clubhouse there should be unity and they should be loose as a goose as there are no expectations

Alex Rodriguez will go to the Yankees with his fake good guy image,his huge ego,his huge contract,and try his best to become the center of attention on a team that has several players there with huge egos and the need to be top dawg. I predict a TRAIN WRECK in NY. And AROD will be driving the train. As he is all about ARod and nothing else. He stabbed the Mariners and their fans in the back. He is in the process of stabbing the Rangers in the back as we speak!! The Yankees will be the next victim!! He may say he will be happy to move to third and play 2nd fiddle to Jeter but if anybody thinks that attitude will last very long has to be kidding themselves. As soon as Jeter has a slump ARod will start making little comments (chirping)and then the tension will start to grow,it may take a year or more but it will happen. And then BAM!! a train wreck. GOOD LUCK YANKEES!!

Also I WILL pay to see ARod come back to Arlington!!!! I just hope Showalter and his pitching staff are working on a plan of action.. Chin Music in the key of A perhaps!!

Hicks is not dumb!!! He made a deal with ARod that did not work out and he is trying to correct that situation and I believe that he is on the right path to do that. He just sent the Yanks a dose of an incurable disease (egoitis) that will spread through the Yankees and cause them to implode eventually.
Now let's just see what happens with all the money Hicks has now. If he buys a pitcher or two the all of a sudden the Rangers are a good team again and Hicks is a GENIUS. We'll see
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