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Son called tonight, classes are good, threw a good bull pen, locker room has been redone, chilly and rainy, very tired from all the running this week. Tonight is "team" bowling, tomorrow at gym, field all afternoon and then another "team" night. Coach is in the "team" building stage.
The best part, he got his glove today. Black glove with orange "Clemson Tigers" embroidered on it. His description is "sick", I think that means it's "awesome". Tonight it will occupy space in his bed next to him. Big Grin
Can't wait for the phone call the day he gets his full uniform!
Are your sons experiencing heaven also?
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Even thou he is playing divison 3 ball for Hampden-Sydney you could here the excitment in his voice when he called last night. He said his classes were going to be fine and practice was awsome Wed & Thur, 70 degrees. Yesterday reality sat in as the high was only in the 40's and windy. He told us he has hit the ball on the button and college ball is sweeeeeet. He also waiting for the day he walks up to the locker and there it hangs. I believe it sounded like heaven last night.

TPM - "Sick" definately means awesome! That's awesome that he and the other boys feel this way. I think to get to the college level of ball, a kid has to have that excitement and passion for the game. There's probably a lot of college kids sleeping with their gloves and dreaming of that first time they take the field for a "real game". That's SICK! Smile (Again, meaning "awesome" Big Grin)
My son is also playing D3, and probably also thinks he is in heaven, as he is expected to be in the starting pitching rotation as a freshman. Really likes his school, doing pretty well in classes, loves everything about the baseball program, and he can hardly wait for their spring trip to FL in early March.

Near the end of Christmas vacation he said something about "when I get home", meaning back to college, and I knew he was feeling comfortable and ... well, "at home" there!
As tough as it is to be a student athlete, I know my son wouldn't trade it for the world! The day he got his "college glove" was a "blue plate" day! I too got the "sick" call! He's still on school break but working hard staying is shape since he's gotta be ready to go when he returns. Season starts Feb 23 in Fla.
Yep-Still there and by the way they do have a guest house just for women. The college is very traditionalist with respect for what they have stood for since their establishment. but you bet they do require the young men to treat women with respect.

fc v dad
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