We visit often to watch the Bulldogs play!

After several tries at hotels, we've found the most reasonably priced, while offering clean and comfortable up-to-date rooms is Days Inn Biltmore EAST(not West). Don't let the name Biltmore fool you. It was only $75/night a few weekends ago.
Asheville is a really cool town. Go to Grove Park Inn (don't need to stay there to enter the Inn) and out to the balconies. You can see UNC campus nestled into the mountainside. Tour Biltmore Estates. Go to the most luxurious McDonalds in the world (piano, fireplace, granite) just outside the Biltmore. Walk up and down downtown area with lots of eclectic shops and restaurants. Our favorites are the Woolworth Walk (artisan goods in an old bldg) and General Mast Store (old time candy). Best places to eat (with kid's) for us have been Marco's Pizza, Asheville Pizza, Papa's & Beer (more Mexican than Bar) and East Village Grille(right near hotel).