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My son is a rising Frosh and plays on a very good travel team.  He just got back from the USA Team Championships in AZ, which was a great experience for him.  In talking with some friends who also made the trip with other teams, some expressed varying degrees of surprise and disappointment about playing time and positions.  One dad said from now on he will ask the coach how he plans to use his son for these big tournaments - playing time, positions, etc.  He will also ask the coach what his plan is for advocating for his son.  All this is new to me, and candidly it had not occurred to me that this was something I should do or is even appropriate.  Is this a good idea or a bad one?

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This should be part of the discussion prior to joining any team. My son's program actually has on their website the process for acceptance on the team, how many players of each position they will carry. How they help in the recruiting process, etc is all part of the decision on what team to join. 

Definitely an appropriate conversation to have BEFORE committing to a club team.  And I would also do some real homework on any prospective club organization and specific prospective coach to get a good sense of his integrity in keeping his word... Also, how he deals with players, how he deals with parents, etc. I'm sure that the majority of organizations live up to their promises (and hopefully make them carefully), but plenty of stories where this hasn't been the case. And ultimately, any team experience is only as good as the Head Coach... Regardless of how solid a given organization is or isn't. 

Position and playing time are good conversations to have before joining a travel team. However, for a high school player it's time for daddy to stop changing his diaper, let the kid put on big boy pants and have the conversation with the coach himself. There's nothing wrong with dad prepping him for the conversation. But it's time for dad to stop playing agent and let the kid grow up. The only conversation I had with the coaching staff directly was about money.

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